Got another vister at my door he looks beautiful i think he is my beauty brother some cats are my neighbor cats near me, beauty comes to visit us we feed her then she goes home, i guess she brings her family with her.
Good morning wow lasy night i thought our moble home was going fly away like wizard of oz, earlyer my cat beauty keep on trying to stay in the house we let her stay untile the rain stop i had to tell her she has to go home, she lives down the street from us, we sharing her, today is windy everything is blowing away wizard of oz again. oh well. have a good day dont blow away. love ya all.
good night its only 7 pm my daughter susan again outside shaveling snow 4 th time, we have snow almost every week or so, dont know about anyone else iam ready for spring,hope everyone had a good valenntine day, valentine feb,14 1977 48 years ago my daughter susan was 2 years old we moved in this moble home park. wow how time flys, at my club we had a valentine party had a DJ, did alot of dancing, a update on our friend Rob i receved a letter rob is retirement he is getting better ill keep you posted, i send him a card praying, thank god. keep warm, tomrrow suppose to rain, god bless you all, love mary
After many days of wandering in the forest, a young
man who had been driven from his village by his uncle, found the city of the Eagle People. The chief's daughter took pity on the exhausted young man, and shortly after married him.
After a while the old chief gave the young man a cloak of feathers so he could fly like the other eagles. He enjoyed flying far out over the ocean and catching whales for the Eagle people to eat. One day whilst fishing he made the tragic error of grasping a super - natural giant clam, which pulled him beneath the water until only one hand was showing above the waves.
When he did not return, the other eagles searched the forest, mountains and sea. When they saw his hand above the water, they flew down and grasped it , only to be pulled beneath the waves themselves. All of them except the old chief's wife who also had a supernatural powers. When she saw what has happened, she flew out over the water and dragged all of her people back to the safety of the land .
So I said unto you stay positive and SOAR LIKE A EAGLE ...Have a Beautiful Day ! HAPPY TRAILS. FRIEND BLESSINGS
May your cup of happiness be filled, your path always bright, and you hear always light start making your dreams come true in 2025. Good Morning Friend
Sacred Pipes Mean Way More Than Peace for Native Americans
This pipe bowl and stem, circa 1885, is believed to have belonged to the Ojibwe Indians who lived mainly in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Ontario, Canada. Public Domain
Too many Lakota traditionalists and spiritual practitioners, the pipe is the very symbol of life itself
because it represents the interconnectivity describe in the prayer "Mitakuye Oyasin," or "All My Relatives." The bowl is usually made of stone and represents the Earth, and the stem is of ash wood and represents all that lives on the Earth. Anyone who carries a pipe keeps the two components apart until it is used for prayer or ceremony. When the two parts are fitted together, the the Earth and all who live on it are connected. is a powerful moment that should be filled with humility and prayer. When the prayer and the ceremony are completed, the two components are separated out of respect.
Annette Hanshaw - Just Couldn't Say Goodbye (1933)
Video clip from "Captain Henry's Showboat" (1933) with Annette Hanshaw singing "We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye". This is Annette's only appearance on film.
Catherine Annette Hanshaw was an American Jazz Age singer. She was one of the most popular radio stars of the late 1920s and early 1930s, with many of her most notable performances taking place on NBC's Maxwell House Show Boat. Over four million of her records had been sold by 1934, following the peak of her popularity.
In her ten-year recording career, she recorded about 250 sides. In a 1934 poll conducted by Radio Stars magazine, she received the title of best female popular singer. Second place went to Ethel Shutta, third place went to Ruth Etting, and fourth place went to Kate Smith.