May your heart be full of love today!
!Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples;
it’s a celebration of love in all forms!
Wishing you a fantastic day!
Mary - winter dreams
It's funny how in the end, you always go back,
to the ones that have been there
from the very beginning
~ Unknown ~
= = Good Night = = Sweet Dreams = =
"If you're brave enough to say goodbye,
life will reward you with a new hello"
~ Paulo Coehlo ~
La rose est espoir dans un monde en peine
Elle célèbre la paix et l'harmonie
Ses fragrances divines apaisent nos âmes sereines
Et illuminent nos vies d'une douce mélodie
= = = 🖤 = = =
La rose messagère céleste
Porte en son cœur la promesse d'un amour éternel
Elle enchante nos rêves et dans le silence céleste
Nous laisse entrevoir un monde où tout est merveille
= = Pimprenelle = =
The rose is hope in a world in pain
It celebrates peace and harmony
Its divine fragrances soothe our serene souls
And illuminate our lives with a sweet melody
The heavenly rose messenger
Carry in your heart the promise of eternal love
She enchants our dreams and in the heavenly silence
Let us glimpse a world where everything is wonder
Tatoo Tuesday...
Sometimes, GOOD people make BAD choices.
But it doesn't mean they're bad. . .
It means they're humans.
Never let success
get to your head,
and never let failure
get to your heart.