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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
73 years old
United States
Profile Views: 115
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/09/2011
LAST LOGIN: 08/13/2011 00:29:42

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Avatar, of course. There are a few good movies but in my spare time I'm much rather read a book or pet my cat . . . or should I say cats!

I'm an old flower child so Rock 'n Roll forever!!!!!!!!!!! I also dig classical, tolerate country but never pick it by choice and a few pop songs here and there. I guess I'm stuck in a rut. Like Bob Seger says: "Just give me that old time Rock 'n roll. The kind of music that sooth's my soul! Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time rock 'n roll!"

Since I am a writer, I love romance first, mystery second, fantasy third, horror fourth along with a sprinkling of drama. I also have an extensive collection of reference books on: Astrology, The Tarot, Numerology, Chakras and herbal healing, my passions so to say.

Writing!!!!! Gardening, Reading, Astrology, Numerology, The Tarot, Herbal medicine.

I like to garden and have a yard the size of a football field where I garden for birds (hummers are on the top of the list), butterflies and me! I love nature and am closest to God when I walk among His and Her creations

I am also competent in Astrology (natal births charts) Numerology (Hebrew based system and not the one found in most book on the market today) and the Tarot. I have been doing card readings for 38 years just to see how accurate it was and believe me, was I ever amazed. Of course you have to watch out for cons in this business as with any other. I moved on to Astrology and the wealth of information I found about one self is phenomenal. The Numbers add to it making both of these arts excellent psychological tools.

Seeing nature, hanging with friends, having a good intellectual discussion, reading a good book, writing one as well, listening to music, and then there's spoiling my grandsons. I have 6 so far. No girls yet but since I was the only girl among 3 brothers, God knows I can handle them boys!

I dislike liars, people who think criticism is the way to make people change, people who abuse animals, our best buds and friends here on earth. I can't stand religious intolerance, people telling me I'm going to "hell" for what I do. My motto is: Faith is not a religion. It's a way of life. I try to treat others as I would myself. Hard to do but I try.

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