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08/30/2024 00:27:43


Beautiful WEEKEND for you dear friend :)


08/30/2024 00:01:41

08/29/2024 23:49:24

Hello Sweetness!

When you come out of thestorm, You won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.    --- Haruki Murakami ---

Morning Sweet Friend....How wonderful it is to greet each other this
day Friday, hope your day is good to you and your weekend even
better.Enjoy it mi carino! See you back here on Monday. Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi carinito.Com much amor y respeto, tu
querida amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

08/29/2024 23:31:53

Hello Sweetness!

Relaxation Mode

08/29/2024 23:21:26

Hello Sweetness!

Hands off the silver fox, he is mine LOL!!

08/29/2024 23:20:03

Good Evening June, it was 93 today 97 tomorrow. 96 Sat. (Sabbath) and 86 Sunday. Maybe tomorrow I will not be so busy. And most of the time I do not have a long Labor Day Weekend. Take care tomorrow June. Bro. Doc

Great day 80's  no humidty

hope your day is great

went to lunch ., as you know i go every thursday. tomorrow starts a long weekend.

have a great night see you tomorrow



08/29/2024 23:14:10

Hello Sweetness!

Sweet Blessings!

08/29/2024 23:09:47

What I do not understand June is why School doesn't start until Sept when it is cooler and not in Summer. Lots of school started the middle of Aug in the east and midwest. Here when we start in Sept after Labor day we don't need lots of A/C in the class rooms. Take Car. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:
School started here this week


Good Evening June, a nice perfect day of 78, tomorrow they say 93. I had a Minister's Meeting today and they served cheese burgers, lettus, tomatoes, big buns, and whipped salad which I think they called Ambrose salda which one of the Assembly cookds made. They had chips and snapple and water and pumpkin pie, they did not made. We do this every last Wednesday of the month which is normally the 4th. This is all the Ministers in Junction City and Religious Workers we are together from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 pm. My tomoatoes seem to be taking a while to get ripe but I hope they do hurry. Right after Labor day the 3rd & 4th School starts here and then we all will have to look out for the kids on the street. Have a good evening and take care. Bro. Doc

Evening humid day 80's

went for coffee with the ladies.,

then home., will make hamburger and fries for dinner,

hope your having a good day.. see you in the morning


08/29/2024 20:53:03

         Sweet dreams, LV. Barb XXOO 


08/29/2024 20:15:37

I'm ready for the long weekend, buddy


08/29/2024 19:48:55

08/29/2024 19:07:03

08/29/2024 18:01:09


08/29/2024 17:36:19

08/29/2024 17:08:06

I hope you have a good evening and Good night June

08/29/2024 15:48:57

08/29/2024 15:41:32

  You're getting closer. There are over a dozen animals

08/29/2024 15:37:52

 pantadora:“ it´s art”


08/29/2024 13:53:37

Happy Thirstday 

08/29/2024 13:44:06

08/29/2024 13:35:38

08/29/2024 11:57:05

08/29/2024 11:52:43

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. 

When we strive to become better than we are, everything 

around us becomes better too.” 

~ Paulo Coelho ~

08/29/2024 11:48:31

08/29/2024 11:41:08

Hikaye Pini görüntüsüHello, greetings from Istanbul

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