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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
64 years old
Bedford, Pennsylvania
United States
Profile Views: 20886
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Referrals: 1


MEMBER SINCE: 12/07/2010
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 12/21/2013 15:32:35


They messed up on my birth date here ..Im 53 Years Young--Did Ya See I Said Young.lol I have lived here in Pennsylvania all my life ..I Love it here...But this place is the only place I know LOL .I Am A Caring Passionate Person Who Cares Deeply For Others..You Can Find A Honest Cyber Friend In Me And If Possible In Real Life To LOL I Take My Cyber friends very SERIOUSLY So if your looking for just numbers Im not the girl to ask for a request because it dont take me to long to figure out who that is so I Will delete you if I Dont hear from you .~~..I have 2 Beautiful Daughters Who I Raised On My Own And I Am Very Proud Of Them . I Have one Precious Grand Child who brings joy to my life ,,I Also have 2 Step Grand kids who are almost all grown up.They Are Good Kids,, I Have Health Problems( Lungs) Its Called Emphyzemia Which Stops Me From Enjoying My Life.My Oxygen Helps Me A Bit,,Anyone want to donate a good lung.I Can live with one. lol If Anyone else has this condition.I Would be happy to Discuss how you cope with it day after day..Oh How I Remember The Days (Weekends) I Couldnt Wait To Go Dancing.I Wouldnt Sit Down. I sure Had The Energy Then ..I Wish I Could Afford Lung Transplants....I Met A Wondeful Man In 1998 And We Are Still Together..I Have a large family of 9 .Counting myself makes 10. We Were All Very Close .It was a Blast Growning up with a large Family. I Do Not Like Liers And Thieves .They Irriate Me To The Core..And I Can Not Stand Trouble Makers And I Cant stand FAKE PEOPLE.~~.My Work History Consists Of This..I Took Care Of The Mentally Challenged In My Home Its Called Domiciliary Care Or Dom Care .They Told Me Some Horror Stories About Their Lives ; Sad But True. I Could not Imagine Living Like That But We All Can Learn Things From Them As Well. And I Took Care Of the Elderly. and I Cleaned Motels For Many Years ... My Parents Were Awesome,, We had Very Loving--Caring--Giving Parents Who I Miss very much ..I Lost my Dad in 1990 and my Mom on April 7 -2009. I Miss them with every fiber of my being ... When I Lost My Parents I Was There When It Happened With Both.I Will Never get Those Images Out Of My Mind.One Thing we all must learn . Take No One for Granted ..If you Love Someone let them know cause Tomorrow just might not come. I Tell My Family I Love Them Every chance I get. And I dont care if its several times a day And I Said That to my Parents every chance I got Which Was Very Often So they knew they were Loved by all their Children

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Displaying 1 out of 1 comments
12/14/2024 09:17:28

Thank you for your friendship here on Boomers over the
years. I pray all my friends and family here have a most blessed
Christmas and a joyful prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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