I'm just a happy home-maker..(Make that Domestic Diva) farting off on the computer... while my dishes pile up..Ignoring my wash so long now that I turned my bloomers inside out to get a few more days out of them..Playing on the computer plays hell with my housework...And I won't even mention what it's done to my sex life..Suffice it to say I'm growing cobwebs in my nether regions...
(Hint hint Mortimer)
DISCLAIMER: This is the internet..remember that..Nothing is as it seems..Believe half of what you hear..half of what you read..half of what you see..This vaporous ether-world is a conglomeration of personas and characters founded in boredom and dedicated to the enjoyment of passing the idle hours in a lighthearted humorous endeavor.The sexpot you become smitten with could be a fat balding old lecher who works at the town dump...The intellectual philosopher with a vast supply of pearls of wisdom could be the village idiot who has mastered both googling and the art of cut and paste..The profound poet could be a plagiarist who writes menus for the town printing press..Etc.

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