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Life is Magical: Enjoy The Wonder

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
70 years old
Laurel, New York
United States
Profile Views: 372
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MEMBER SINCE: 05/06/2006
LAST LOGIN: 08/24/2008 14:00:31

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Just about anything, but blood and guts
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Very Eclectic.... anything but Rap. If the mood hits, I go with whatever suites my mood. It has to move me, my soul, and dance dance dance.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Mists of Avalon, The Forest House, Plum Island,
Brother of the Third Degree, The Woman of Wyrrd,..........

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Photography,Gardening, Herbology, Art, writting children's books, Making jewelery, magick....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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A gift from BabyGirl. Thank you Rita.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketA gift from Lady_Jane. Thank you Sandra.

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Mom of 3 grown children and grandmother of 2. Love my family and they mean the world to me. I am also very much in love with my man. He touches my soul deeply.
Very eclectic in my tastes in just about everything. A loyal friend and confidant. I also have a bit of a zany personality along with being calm, easy going, balanced. I tend to find the humor in just about any situation, most of the time, and sometimes reality is harsh and cruel.
Geesh... I am a passionate woman in just about everything I do.
Extremely spriritual on a different path, some think strange, sorry for them. Deep regard for Native American, Indigenous Cultures, and connect on may different levels. I've been told, I'm a very old soul and I guess the lines on my palms tell quite a journey.
I am also one of the first 5 American Women to be initiated as a full fledge Free Mason, and was on my way to 3rd degree. No Eastern Star here...Amazing.... unfortunatley things disolved due to various circumstances. Once a Mason, always a Mason.
If you saw my home, you'd say, wierd, but it's life, it's mystical, it's sacred.
Love to burn incense, light candles( not just for ambiance) with crystals and stones galore and travel to places only few know about and have experienced. If you need explaining on that one, then you don't know what what I'm talking about.
Music is so, so important to one's soul. It's personal and each has their own rythm. Dance, Dance, Dance.
Blessed Be to those who walk in my world. The light surrounds you.
By the way, I am the original "MoonCat". And if your good, I'll tell you why.

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A wonderful sincere smile and sparkling eyes. You just know when you connect by looking into someone's eyes.

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Sloppiness, arogance, inconsideration, selfishness, self absorbing individuals. The term "It's all about me" doesn't fly where I'm concerend.
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