A taste of the "Oldies, but Goodies" excite me, for instance, lava lights from the 60's, LOL
I have hazel eyes, and I am able to see behind what people don't always say, but show in body language or with their expressions.
My name: DANA = Does Anyone Need Anything?
I am that I AM.
I think we learn more about ourselves through our relationships than possibly any other ways.
You know what? Almost no one I meet now has any idea who they are or what they want in life.
So many are in emotional turmoil. Most people are always questioning their relationships with other people and with themselves. They find it hard to find the Peace that is found within.
These are all natural side effects of youth, but with time, comes character and wisdom.
The ones who seek a truth to their existence will end up settling for knowledge.
Let me tell you about a few things that I have learned:
1) History shows that the loneliest people are the ones who speak the truth.
2) Love, if it is anything at all, is a sacrifice.
3) Every person has a part of themselves that will always be unavailable to other people.
4) All of mankind is fundamentally alone. That is the way we were made. Singular. As close as we may be able to get to other people, we can never permanantly erase this sadness.
5) Knowledge gives a greater appreciation for roots. Not so much for ancestry or anything, but more like the people who have known us who have helped shape who we are.
6) In some in very miniscule ways, some in very big ways, some of them we love dearly, and some of them we detest.
7) We never really realize how or what kind of impact we have on others with our actions and our words.
8) Events can pass, maybe without even being noticed. and even the smallest of events, while they may seem trivial to us, can have a lasting effect upon others... sometimes even a profound effect.
9) It doesn't end there --- the impact you have on another person doesn't stop with you and that person. It gets passed along, to all the people they effect, and to their children, and to the people their children impact. The effect you have on other people is your eternity.
10) We are spending our energy while we are on this planet, thats the cost of the ticket. Spend it well, and eternity will be good to you. Spend it poorly, well, karma will bite you in the ass.
11) I don't believe in fate or destiny, and I don't believe that our paths are preordained.
God, if anything, is indifferent to the things that go on here.
12) Frankly, we can all use a friend that we don't have to worry about complications with.
13) I want all people to be happy, and have peace, and I trust you as a friend to make decisions accordingly, even when it is difficult to do the right thing; I know you will do that, despite how hard it is sometimes.
14) While I don't know what it is that connects us, I am sure that it is real.
I have developed another keen sense some never will have, so I am cosmically in tune with the universe . . .
I appreciate all the lovely GIFTS I have been given, especially this Gem from FoxyWordCraft:
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