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Warren Kenneth Mathews

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
75 years old
Asheville, North Carolina
United States
Profile Views: 430
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/31/2006
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 09/15/2011 20:53:11

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Comedies mostly, Walking Across Egypt, Secoundhand Lions, Wild America.

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Phoebe Snow, Relaxation Music, Inspirational.

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God is in the Hard Stuff. King of the Wind, by Marguerite Henry

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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

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I'm trying to learn how to restore Photos.

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My Family Tree:
I'm the Daughter of Warren Kenneth Mathews. He was born in Dayton, Ohio in April of 1913 & past away in September 1974. He had a younger brother Edwin Mathews. Their Father was Warren Kenneth Mathews Sr. from Ohio and their Mother was Alice E. Binnie from Pennsylvania. Their parents divorced and Alice eventually married Clarence C. Cook. My Dad served in the Navy in WWII on the USS Walke DD-723. He once worked as a Doorman, I think in Florida. Then he worked at TRW in Euclid, Ohio & drove for Yellow Cab in Cleveland, Ohio part time. I grew up in Willowick, Ohio until we moved to Wickliffe. I am still trying to find any of my Dad's living relatives or friends. Please contact me if you knew my Dad.


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My Heroes are My Dad. Tho he past away in 1974 he is still my Hero & always will be. He was a wonderful man & Father & he taught me alot about life. He had great wisdom & loved people. He instilled in me a love of horses from the bedtime stories he told me about being a water boy at the Old Calvery in Cleveland when he was a kid. He took me for my first ride at Trail O' Pines riding stable in Willoughby Hills where I also spent time at Squire's Castle. He served in the Navy in WWII on the USS Walke DD-723. He was everything in the world to me & I still miss him terribly. My devoted Hubby (Bud) who does all the work around here and takes care of me and never complains. He's even restoring my garden. He is truly a man of God. My Daughter Wendy who is stronger than I ever was or ever will be. She is also Beautiful. My Son Danny who is the Sunshine of my life and great teacher to me about Faith. And my son Ukiah who has gone threw the fire & came out as "Nothing but Love". And my best friend Gail Hudson who's friendship is a great blessing & always was. I MISS MY DADDY

My First horse "Cristy" and her foal "Lisa"

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Danny when he was a baby.
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One of my favorite pics of Danny & Wendy (with puppy Mandy) when they were little.

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My Oldest son Joe

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If anyone sees him anywhere tell him to call his Mom!

My Dad as a baby.

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My Dad & my Sister Carol.

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My Favorite Pic of Wendy.
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My Mantle at Christmas when I lived in Akron.

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My Dad's Ship, the USS Walke DD-723 Mare Island Navy Yard, March 24, 1945.

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I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

Genealogy Warren Kenneth Mathews Family, Flowers & the birds & other critters my Garden attracts. Dolphins. Horses.

Loud noises, violence, lies, weeds!

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