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Let's Rock!

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
68 years old
Hillsboro, Oregon
United States
Profile Views: 247
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/28/2006
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 11/24/2006 14:09:49

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Many, like The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, A Conversation with Gregory Peck. I admire old movie stars. I am into Biographies. Narnia, Comedy, The classics. John Wayne Movies. The first kiss in his movie with Marein O'Hara in the cemetary was the best on film kiss in my oppinion. I could be wrong, any one up for the challenge? LOL

LOVE music. My Itunes has over 7000 songs. Mostly classic rock, blues, etc... You name it I have it lots of comedy also.

Writing one now.

tooo many to list

Passionate fun loving gal. I'm a Jersey Girl here in Oregon. Love Sailing, flying, cruzing in my future dream car. I am into muscle cars. Looking for one at the moment. My son has made me promise not to check them out without him. LOL I will keep my promise. I have been a mom & a Dad for my youngest son. I am proud of them both & now retired. I love children & miss mine. But I am having fun living my own life now. & extreamly happy with visits. I want to make memories with the man in my life. I have adventure everyday & take each day as it comes. I love my design work at The Mystic Touch Design Studio. My Business. http://www.themystictouch.net Please feel free to visit. I am ussually on line but working. I enjoy working at home. Makes my life flexable. & I can't fire the boss. (grin) Hope you enjoy my page as I add things to make it more interesting. Thanks for all the invites & notes! I enjoy every one but sometimes unable to reply. Have to pay the bills. (wink) I'm a working gal with a brain for business. My business is movable which is nice.

To find a man to share this cold bed with.

Rudeness, liers, woman beaters, child molesters, well, you get the picture.

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