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Norwegian and single in Pacific NW

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
72 years old
University Place, Washington
United States
Profile Views: 104
[ 24422 ]

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MEMBER SINCE: 09/30/2006
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 11/07/2024 11:06:49

Favorites include Titanic, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, X-Men, Ghost, The Notebook

Country, soft rock, oldies but goodies, jazz, R&B

Anything by Nicholas Sparks, Andrew Greeley, V.C. Andrews, Janet Dailey, and quite a few more.

Love to read books, go for walks and enjoy the scenery nature has to offer and do some people watching at the same time. I like to garden, sew, crochet, paint, stamping, scrapbooking and beading.

I was born and raised here in the Pacific NW to Norwegian parents who moved out to Washington from Minnesota. Dad got a job at Boeing. Mom was a stay at home Mom. I had one older brother who passed in 2011, and have three sisters. I've been married and divorced three times but been blessed with two daughters from the first marriage who are 49 and 46 years old and a 32 year old son from my second marriage. I am further blessed with six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. I retired the end of 2018 from being a Personnel Manager in an eight doctor medical office with 21 employees under me in 7 locations.

Jeans that fit a man good, smiles, hairy chests (on men of course), happy times, .... I can't think of anymore off hand.

Prejudism, people who are full of themselves, facial piercings, an overabundance of tattooing, baggy pants on men, lies, materialistic people.

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