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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
109 years old
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MEMBER SINCE: 12/12/2010
LAST LOGIN: 08/14/2021 03:11:39


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ex machina, zero theorem, citizen four, mirrormask, eyes wide shut, inland empire, the fountain, waking life, a scanner darkly, the dictator, her, interstellar, the prestige, mulholland drive, adaptation, down by law, brazil, blade runner, go, idiocracy, zoolander, human nature, coffee & cigarettes, tideland, swingers, howl, alice in wonderland, eXistenZ, the matrix, apocalypto, kick-ass, mars attacks, johnny mnemonic, forbidden planet, stop making sense, muscle shoals, beetlejuice, the erotica of tinto brass, anything by w.c. fields.

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the prodigy, atoms for peace, st. vincent, bjork, beck, bat for lashes, gorillaz, massive attack, radiohead, fever ray, the hives, gnarls barkley, meat beat manifesto, lamb, the roots, kool keith, a tribe called quest, talking heads, prince, laurie anderson, todd rundgren, steely dan, james brown, the doors, pink floyd, jimi hendrix, mothers of invention. composers: bach, mozart, mahler, debussy, stravinsky, messiaen, rautavaara, reich, zappa.

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anything by philip k dick, william gibson, neal stephenson, haruki murakami, christopher moore, jonathan carroll, steve erickson, neil gaiman, jeff noon, tim powers, umberto eco, thomas pynchon, charles simic, james tate, bill knott, russell edson. "gun with occasional music" by jonathan lethem, "vacuum flowers" by michael swanwick, "how music works" by david byrne, "this is your brain on music" by daniel leviton, the "griffin & sabine" series by nick bantock, "the botany of desire" by michael pollan, "my secret garden" by nancy friday, "the science of orgasm" by barry r. komisaruk, "the wild parrots of telegraph hill" by mark bittner, "why birds sing" by david rothenberg, "the singing life of birds" by donald kroodsma, "the songs of insects" by elliott & hershberger, "the artful universe expanded" by john d. barrow, "warped passages" by lisa randall, "the metaphysics of virtual reality" by michael heim, "motivation and personality" by abraham maslow, "synchronicity" & many others by c.g. jung & his school, anything by emanuel swedenborg, grimm's fairy tales, psalms, isaiah, gospel of john, tao te ching.

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i do a lot of gardening with my friend anita. currently we are growing bosque blue & green zebra tomatoes; melrose italian sweet peppers (an heirloom); a large variety of chile peppers including heirloom fish peppers, thai birds-eye, purple jalapenos, golden cayenne & lila lucy; borlotti beans; wild yellow strawberries; onions; garlic; & houseplants like passionflowers & many varieties of colorful coleus. i like to cook & make my own vegetarian chili with stuff from my own garden. i like to go out to clubs & concerts a lot to enjoy live music, we usually go to hamburg but sometimes go to berlin.

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go to my vimeo page to see all of my music videos. i add new ones fairly often.


live fotos by christoffer.greiss.eu

planning on seeing more of the civilized world before departing from it, especially europe, which i love since moving here. i want to meet another good person or two this life, such people are extremely rare.

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post-cyberpunk born in california, lived in los angeles most of my life, moved to germany in 2012. music artist with three solo albums, the latest of which is "lunar tunage". all are available on bandcamp. i do the satirical psychedelic sci-fi "beyond the warp podcast"--writing the script, composing the 30 minute soundtrack & performing it with anita ace. i also appear on "anita ace in space altronica radio". search zed mizar (please don't use shmoogle, use a search engine that respects your privacy) to view my many social media sites & check my music & video.

playing music & participating in the music scene. the creative arts & literature. feminine women. smart people with wisdom & freedom of thought (not the merely clever, certainly not the degreed). good food, wine, music, laughter & company. courageous heroes like julian assange, william binney & ed snowden.

i do a western form of meditative observation exercise called zeditation that, unlike most far-eastern forms of meditation, does not readily lead to mental invasion & new age "channeling". zeditation reinforces the individuation process & enhances psychic self-defense rather than dissolving one into an ocean of undifferentiated being & inducing sexless passivity, like many traditional meditative practices. for more info:


tubeheads who get upset @ the things the television tells them to freak out about. conservatives in the arts who fight against anything new or different. doctrinaire political & religious people with their raised eyebrow guilt trips & lists of words i am not allowed to say, thoughts i am not allowed to think & things i am not allowed to put in my own body. globalist mega-corporate censored mind-control social networks like fedbook, nit-twit & shmoogle (& soundcloud now that twatter has taken it over). phone zombies. lying presstitutes. SJWs.

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