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Single ,Waiting for My Knight

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
75 years old
Benton, Arkansas
United States
Profile Views: 51
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/25/2006
LAST LOGIN: 09/02/2006 20:50:05

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I love Comedy the best! Pratical Magic was a movie I really liked. Any Chevy Chase ,I enjoy the laughs. I also like serious movies ,suspense. Really if it is juat a good movie I can watch it . I am a very flexible person .

My Favorite is Country Music and Classic Rock. I also Like some new Age LiKe Yanni who is awesome! Bluegrass is nice, I really like some of most music. Even a little rap if it is Cowboy Troy!

I tend to Love Books by Victoria Holt romance in olden days is my favorite . I also enjoy books by Julie Garwood

I love to Travel. Bird watching was once a great hobby of mine. PC I spend much time with PC so it must be a hobby.

I am a young 57. I have blue eyes , long blonde hair. I drive a Red Mustang ! I work for the Headstart Program . I know My years , but I refuse to grow up or grow old ,I will fight it all the way to the end. When I was 50 I had my first Tattoo, I went on to get 7 more. All can be covered unless I want them to show. I enjoy body art,Mine are all very classy tasteful very colorful and flowers , butterflys.
I have two Grown Daughters I adore. I have 4 Grandchildren, 3 boys ,1 girl. all very special. My oldest daughter her husband ,her stepchildren live in the same town as me .My Baby daughter moved to Texas with her husband and their two sons in Dec.This is very hard being 8 hours away from them.Thankful the other lives here.
I have hope of meeting someone I can give all the love I have too, And they can return the love. Life is very lonely without a mate, yet you have to be so careful.
I love Life, I love living ! I love rainbows and the ocean. So many wonderful things for us to enjoy for free.
Very hard to write about myself but that is a part of me.

Many things can be turn on's in many different ways. I enjoy a rain storm and hearing the thunder roll . I love to cuddle & be close to one I care for ,that is a great turn on. To be near the ocean with one you love strolling hand in hand can be the most awesome turn on !

Being Rude , not showing respect to others.Being Loud in a place you might should tone it down. Long Hair. Scraggly beards. Rap Music

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