“Take it step by step,
surround yourself with positivity,
create a vision, set achievable goals,
reward yourself and believe in yourself.”
~ Kate Hudson-Hall ~
"Yesterday we obeyed kings
and bent our necks before emperors.
But today we kneel only to truth,
follow only beauty, and obey only love."
~ Kahlil Gibran~
No matter how down life gets you,
remember that once you hit rock-bottom,
the only way to go is up.
~ Unknown ~
“If you look at the world and at yourself through
a lens tainted by negativity, you will find much misery.
If you look outward and inward through
a lens illuminated by positivity,
you will find much to be happy about and appreciate.”
~ Henrik Edberg ~
“Love feels no burden, thinks no trouble,
attempts what is beyond its strength,
makes no excuse for impossibility,
because it thinks all things are lawful
for it and all things are possible”
~ Thomas A. Kempis ~
"Happy is the person who knows what to
remember of the past, what to enjoy in the
present, and what to plan for in the future."
~ Arnold H. Glasgow ~
You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us
and the world will be as one.
~ John Lennon ~