Today is the first day of my new life
Female 71 years old toms river, New Jersey United States Profile Views: 484
    [ 24431 ]
06/10/2009 18:59:33 |
Alternative, Broadway music (I'm a huge theatre fan), ... well, all kinds... except Rap and that head banging stuff my kids like... awful!!
Anything by Nicholas Sparks!
Gardening, home decorating, home improvement projects, computers, crafts.
Divorced nearly three years ago after a lonely 22 year marriage to an abusive alcoholic. Now living happily with my children and animals. Back into the dating scene and have had my heart broken a couple times by the same man, but am trying to forgive and forget. I have a job that I love working with senior citizens and have been there for ten years. Although time is fleeting when it comes to my hobbies, I love arts and crafts, scrapbooking, photography, computers and decorating. My home is my pride and joy and trying to make it special is a work in progress, but one that I enjoy.
Love music, beautiful blue skys and gentle rain. Spring and Autumn are my favorite times of the years, although I love the freshly fallen snow. My two children are the loves of my life - ages 16 and 18, both from South Korea and my two dogs are my babies now, Saltina and Pepper, Shih Tzus. We also have two turtles.
Liars, Cheaters, Manipulators, Control freaks, cigarette smoke and drunks (the smell of beer and cigarettes, yuck!!).
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