Well-behaved Women Rarely Make History
Female 74 years old Redneck, Oklahoma United States Profile Views: 257
    [ 24438 ]
11/25/2006 20:52:07 |
The Lion in Winter (I can relate to dysfunctional families...in any era), Cool Hand Luke, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Million Dollar Baby, The Pink Panther, anything with Johnny Depp in the lead role, The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, To Kill a Mockingbird, Cleopatra,.....to be continued....
Classic Rock, Blues, Jazz, easy listening. Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Moody Blues, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Ray Charles, Nora Jones, Macy Gray. Classical music when I'm in the mood - Beethoven, Mozart, etc.
I'm an avid reader and there is not enough space here to list all my favorites. I love a good mystery, classic science fiction (Isaac Asimov is one of my favorites), true crime and good novels.
Gardening, reading, staying current on events, working out, writing, decorating my old house, playing freecell on the computer and spending time with friends and family.
I'm still learning, but one thing I do know is that I am an honest person who hates dishonesty. I am liberal in my political views, I do not like people who are unwilling to accept different viewpoints or who judge others before all the facts are in. I know the value of being able to laugh at myself and try to see humor in everyday life. Other than that, anything you want to know can be found out by asking.
Intelligent conversations, people who make me laugh, love debates, social commentary, loyal friends with open minds, good food whether home-cooked or served at a quiet restaurant, thought-provoking books, music of all kinds, although I don't like country music very much, independent films, gentlemen who know the meaning of being one, independent women, my grandbaby Hannah, my two cats (SamCat and Prissy), respect, family...the list could go on and on.
Turn me off and I'll let you know...