Relax and enjoy your day!
A man too busy to take care of his health
is like a mechanic too busy
to take care of his tools.
~ Unknown ~
Evening my friend., well my eye surgery went well, just have a headache over the eye
next eye done in december., i got a new phone just have to fiquire out and add my stuff to it.
weather was chilly today 50's., tomorrow heavy winds and rain so i'll be staying in.
hope your having a great day., Hugs June
have a sweet night, dear friend
Lots of love
"To accomplish great things,
we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe."
Anatole France
** Love on Your Dreams my Friend, Hugs **
We're not so bad:-D
With medication and a change in diet, the veterinarian
tells me that Roxy should be feeling better in no time.
Hugs❤ a father worries:-D
“Flowers are the alphabet of angels,
whereby they write on the hills and
fields mysterious truths.”
~ Benjamin Franklin ~
Good Morning my Treasured Friend,
Loads of Love, Smiles & Bliss on Your Tuesday !
Hugs from the Heart ♥
Evening nice day in the 60's we need rain
hugh fire 2 towns over 6 alarms saying rain thursday., went to the stop and shop and coffee....
wont be on tomorrow, having eye surgery., 1 eye other in december. hope you had a good day