Sweet Dreams Brenda. :)
wet one here and have been threatened with snow in the coming
week. I pray for no snow! I had a nice day yesterday and this
one isn't to bad! Me and Girle are lazing around the house she
wanted to lay in the bed but i got her to lay in her cubbie in
the living room! Hope things are making you Smile and that you
are spending time laughing with friends or family! Take care an
share your Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!
a slow ripening fruit.
~ Aristotle ~
♥Some Saturday Loving your way ♥
Have an awesome Sunday, my lovely friend, with all the best. Always, with love your way. Big hugs! Liliane.
Passe une bonne nuit.
Today's Jukebox Oldie is a Native
love song Penned by J.P. Richardson
(The Big Bopper)
Have a lovely day Brenda. Warm hugs from me. :)