If you want to be remembered forever,
either do things worth writing or
write things worth reading.
~ Benjamin Franklin ~
till 7pm. They are closing the grocery store early! They even
closed school till Thursday. They close the schools for anything
now day's i don't ever remember them closing the schools or
grocery because of cold weather! Today we will find out if we
get now or sleet! I just sit inside praying for a early spring!
Hahahahahaha! Hope this finds you having a great day and looking
for a good week for the finish! Take Care and share the Smiles!
It warms the heart! Sending you Smiles and Hugs always!
~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~
Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO
revealing people
it's just a matter of time
Be humble enough to accept your mistakes,
intelligent enough to learn from them,
and mature enough to never make them again.
~ Unknown ~
Ice weather for this week! Today i am watching the change of
power going on right now, i pray for the US as we change history!
No other man of the country has a felon on his record. Hope
we have a great 4 years this go round! I know the wife of the
new president said she will not be living or participating this
term. That alone is sad! Take care and share your Smiles! Sending
you Smiles and Hugs Always!
highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~ John F. Kennedy ~
Sweet Monday love...
Wishing you a beautiful day & great week ahead, LV B. XXOO
A pleasant Monday and a great new week to you, my friend.
Love and hugs
Don't make any plans for tonight
Wolfman 2025 is playing in theatres:)
Happy Popcorn Day!
Sensual Sunday...
wet one here and have been threatened with snow in the coming
week. I pray for no snow! I had a nice day yesterday and this
one isn't to bad! Me and Girle are lazing around the house she
wanted to lay in the bed but i got her to lay in her cubbie in
the living room! Hope things are making you Smile and that you
are spending time laughing with friends or family! Take care an
share your Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!
a slow ripening fruit.
~ Aristotle ~
Saturday love...