“You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served.” — Nina Simone Happy super bowl weekend friend!
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." —Nicholas Sparks
We represent the Lollypop Guild, The Lollypop Guild, The Lollypop Guild And in the name of the Lollypop Guild, We wish to welcome you to Muchkinland. xox
Hello there♥️Dear friends♥️yes it It's weekend almost there♥️ enjoy it! I'm going to continue everything♥️except unfortunately here will come back in the New week ♥️ There are plenty waiting animals and Home♥️ of course cozy Family ♥️plays too a major role. And to Sunday our grandchildren ♥️ Conviviality plays a role delicious ♥️ Lots of love♥️s make it cozy candle on drink with it ♥️ Nice and cozy weekend♥️ Soraya from the Netherlands♥️ XoXO ♥️