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09/09/2024 05:10:32

09/09/2024 04:34:31

💚 Good morning 

have a Magical Monday 💚

09/09/2024 04:21:09

09/09/2024 00:17:50

Hello Sweetness!

Home isn ' t  where yourfrom, it's where you findLight when all else growsDark.   --- Pierce Brown ---

Morning Sweet Friend....Here s hoping the weekend was good to you and
you was able to distress and this new week is even better to you!
Feeling much better after resting this weekend.See you back here on
Wednesday sweet one. Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi
querido amiga/amigo.Como siempre te mando esta nota con mucho carino y
respeto, tu querida amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

09/09/2024 00:02:43

Hello Sweetness!

Enjoy the Beauty thisDay brings!Happy Monday to you SweetSoul....

09/08/2024 23:55:23

Hello Sweetness!

A Hot  cup of Coffee  first thingin the morning, first the Aroma, than the Taste, just Heavenly!

Let Happines and  Sunshinefill your Day Sweet One!

09/08/2024 21:17:27


In the darkest of days, let faith
whisper to your heart;
let hope sing to your soul;
let love hold your spirit close
If you do these things , you 
will find your way home.
Do not look at how difficult the road
ahead looks~ how high the pitch of the
mountain, how hot the desert sun ,
how distant the place of rest, You cannot
see every part of the path,
and unseen gifts are ahead along the way.
When your in a scary place and you're afraid
you might fall, don't look down...
Look up!


09/08/2024 19:59:54

09/08/2024 18:20:41


                       Bonne nuit

09/08/2024 17:42:23

" Strive  to enter in at the straight gate "

 St Luke 13: 24-25

Happy Sunday Nite

Bless Be

09/08/2024 17:34:45


09/08/2024 16:52:17

09/08/2024 13:12:01



09/08/2024 12:51:23

Have a nice weekend


09/08/2024 12:28:44

hello there, hows everyone doing? im sooooooo enjoying this cooler weather but i heard this week is gonna be hot again, gotta get the yard cleaned up,harder to do when the body is falling apart

take care later gator 

09/08/2024 10:46:44

Hello my dear friend, I hope you have a nice Sunday! Many kisses.

09/08/2024 10:13:35

09/08/2024 08:40:00

morning..may you have a nice peaceful Sunday..hugs xoxo 


09/08/2024 02:32:26

09/07/2024 20:23:08

09/07/2024 16:18:05

Yes, I am lazy today

Thats why I'm late getting here 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend  

09/07/2024 12:59:16

Slept in today which is unusual for me to do! We 

are enjoying the cool temps in the morning! Drink coffee 

on the front porch! Hope you are having a good weekend! 

I have had a good one William goes to work at 3 till 

close which gives me time to myself in which i usually 

clean! I topped my bamboo and have 4 new ones to plant!

It was the last plant Lee bought me so i really am 

happy i can trim and get more plants! Well you take 

care and share the Smiles Fonny! Sending you Smiles and 

Hugs Always!   

The most important thing is to enjoy your life 

- to be happy - it's all that matters.

~ Audrey Hepburn ~

09/07/2024 12:37:13

Hello my beautiful friend: Happy weekend! Enjoy it a lot...Kisses

09/07/2024 11:38:12

Happy Caturday .. Many :))) Jo 

09/07/2024 10:01:56

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