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02/11/2025 21:19:45

                              Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 


02/11/2025 20:44:10


02/11/2025 19:57:47

When I was a young boy I remember my first crush taking her time 

deciding who she liked better between me, and my best friend Colby.

When Valentine's Day rolled around, I won her heart with chocolates 

and a GIANT teddy bear courtesy of my grandma Denise:) 

Happy Love Week:)xoxo xoxoxo

R.i.p,. Grandma Denise❤ 

02/11/2025 19:22:56

Nite Nite my friend,

Story pin image

Story pin image

This may contain: two candles sitting on top of a stone floor

Sending Prayers with a Hug xo

02/11/2025 19:18:50

Sweet Friend,


 I hope that you had a nice day.

 Enjoy your evening. ~ Hugs

02/11/2025 19:09:47

⋆。˚୨Blessed Night୧˚。⋆

Forever Life

02/11/2025 18:46:51

It was 61 years ago today... Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play!   (Well, this past Sunday, actually... Beatles first appeared on Ed Sullivan Show!)   Hope you had a pleasant day!  :)  xox

1960s Fashion: The Icons And Designers That Helped Shape The Decade  Pandora 1966 | 1960s fashion, 60s fashion, Sixties fashion  60s Wardrobe Fashion - Modern Furniture  Remembering James Marshall   Sgt. Pepper at 50: 20 fascinating facts about the Beatles' landmark ... The Sgt. Pepper's Project: the significance of the album cover — PVCC ... 

02/11/2025 18:08:11

La rose est espoir dans un
monde en peine

Elle célèbre la paix et

Ses fragrances divines
apaisent nos âmes sereines

Et illuminent nos vies d'une
douce mélodie

= = = 🖤 = = =

La rose messagère céleste

Porte en son cœur la promesse
d'un amour éternel

Elle enchante nos rêves et
dans le silence céleste

Nous laisse entrevoir un monde
où tout est merveille

 = = Pimprenelle = =

 The rose is hope in a world in

It celebrates peace and

Its divine fragrances soothe
our serene souls

And illuminate our lives with
a sweet melody

= = = 🖤 = = =

The heavenly rose messenger

Carry in your heart the
promise of eternal love

She enchants our dreams and in
the heavenly silence

Let us glimpse a world where
everything is wonder 

= = Pimprenelle = =

02/11/2025 18:01:53

Nice to be back.  Jazzsinger

02/11/2025 17:19:22

Wishing you a day full of happiness and blessed

Love and hugs from my heart


02/11/2025 15:37:02


Hello, dear friend! Sending these little greetings your way, to say, hopes you have a happy Wednesday. Hugs and take care. Liliane.




02/11/2025 15:26:58

 Love is a song....
that never ends!

02/11/2025 15:18:00


02/11/2025 14:59:23

*Love and Kisses*

02/11/2025 14:43:01

02/11/2025 14:26:11

Thank you for your friendship...
I realize I am not on Boomers very often, at all...
and you continue to remember me with your kindness ♥
I have good and bad days...
although my intentions are to be on Boomers,
that doesn't always happen...
thank you, again 

With Love 


02/11/2025 13:47:53

Boca (6)

Boca (6)

02/11/2025 13:38:09

02/11/2025 13:29:53

Wishing a nice relaxed evening for you. *Hugs* & *Love* Blessed Be..

100 Free Sunset Sky Overlays for PhotoshopWhen the sandman comes..peaceful dreams..

02/11/2025 13:27:32
✨Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
❉I Believe In The World..
✨Because I Believe In Life..
❉I Believe In Life..
✨Because I Believe In Love..
❉I Believe In Love..
✨Because I Believe In Friendship..
❉I Believe In Friendship..
✨Because I Believe In You ♥
❉Happy Day or Night Dear Friend ❥
☀(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

02/11/2025 13:24:37

Words of Wisdom...


02/11/2025 13:17:37

*꧁͜͡꧂Good evening my sweetest friend.꧁͜͡꧂*

Happiness is found only in one place;

in the company of the good and

pure who are chosen by God.

Not one step forward

And not one step back.

Thank you dearest

for your visit and friendship.

꧁With love,Sunshine꧂

02/11/2025 13:06:40

02/11/2025 13:02:04
I hope your having a great day grace. your comments are going ok,  you might need to restart your computer

02/11/2025 12:46:10

I hope your week is off to a good start.

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