The most beautiful thing a person
can leave behind is a smile
when they are remembered...
Good morning, beautiful Soul!
May you have a day
as bright as your smiles and
as lovely as your hearts♥
With Love,Sunshine♥
Bonjour ma douce Maryline et une jolie matinée
Merci beaucoup pour ton compliment sur ma page
Toi aussi ta page elle est magnifique et j*aime bien
Tes petits pois qui tombes sur ta page ,je te
souhaite un jeudi sublime pour toi ,et un
Délicieux baisers à l*orange et câlins pétillants**
Morning ,sweet Friend .Be happy !
Hello Friend,
Hope your day was good. Have a nice evening. ~ Hugs
I read the news today oh boy
What's shaking?
Good nite...(So hot here)...Sweet dreams...Kisses...
A true friend is a not like the rain
that pours and goes, their more like the air;
sometimes keeping quiet, but always there..
~ Unknown ~
Wishing all your soundtracks are good my friend. And the bad ones you never hear again. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Jazzsinger
Bonjour ma douce amie Maryline.
J'espère que tu passeras une bonne journée.
Remplie d'amour.
Et de gratitude, vis-le pleinement.
Bisous câlins.