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01/08/2025 03:40:51

Hikaye Pini görüntüsü

01/08/2025 00:07:37

Hello Sweetness!

Ego Judges and punishes.Love forgives and Heals.

Morning Sweet Friend Jaya.....Hope your week so far is not too stressful.May
the rest of the week be easier on you! Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay
Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho carino y respeto tu
amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/07/2025 23:45:22

Hello Sweetness!

The magic of new beginingsis truly the most powerful ofthem all.   --- Josiyah Martin ---

01/07/2025 23:35:54

Hello Sweetness!

Life is about change, growth and evolutionsWhen you stop learning,you start dying.       ---- Albert Einstein ----

01/07/2025 21:02:04

A l'Elysée....

apres cette plaisanterie...

Passe une belle journée, Chere Jaya



01/07/2025 18:36:53


01/07/2025 16:17:57

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Hugzzz,  xo

01/07/2025 16:12:55

Hallo lieve allemaal,
ik ben nog steeds
bezig helpen
en het is moeilijk
maar goed
voor de lieve
berichten met
de foto's
Ja veel groeten
van deze kant

01/07/2025 14:11:10

I am sure that you, my friend, are experiencing new moments of happiness and joy in this New Year of 2025,

full of blessings and renewed love in your heart.

A sincere and affectionate hug.


01/07/2025 11:05:10

Never be afraid to try something new 

because life gets boring 

when you stay within the limits 

of what you already knew.

~ Unknown ~

01/07/2025 10:19:18

Story pin image

Story pin image

Snowball Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

01/07/2025 06:57:45

This may contain: a woman in a fur coat and sunglasses standing in the snow with her hands on her hips

Story pin image

Cheers!! xo 

01/07/2025 06:42:06

Well i believe we are all cold this morning! 

Nice way to start the day bundled up in coats and hat! 

Yesterday was Dr. visit blood work for next Monday! I 

really need to have a heart to heart with the Dr! I will 

be in the house today and i am sure the dog won't be out 

long LOL! Have a good one day/night! Share the smiles 

today! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart 

smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in 

sad hearts.

~ Paramahansa Yogananda ~

01/07/2025 03:20:50

01/06/2025 17:39:33

Coucou, chère Jaya

J'espere que tu as eu un beau debut de semaine....

et que tu auras un merveilleux mardi, avec beaucoup de moments joyeux .

Gros calins et  
Bisous amicaux


01/06/2025 17:22:41

Happy Monday Night... rest well!  Manhattan is such a fascinating place to visit during the Christmas holiday.....  the season ends January 12.  xox

    Christmas Ornaments at Macy's: Guide to best NYC Decorations Henri Bendel department store | NEW YORK CITY - IN THE WIT OF AN EYE  The Best New York City Christmas Window Displays of 2022 | New york ... New York City's Best Holiday Window Displays in Photos - Newsweek Best Christmas Trees in New York City – My Design Week In lieu of Lady Gaga, Mayor Bloomberg will drop the ball in Times ... 

01/06/2025 17:01:30

En periode de Covid...

Bonsoir chere Jaya

Une nouvelle semaine a débuté...

Je te souhaite un merveilleux début d'année......et puisse t elle rester super tout au long de l'année..

Sois bénie

Gros bisous


01/06/2025 16:08:28

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Jaya. Big HUgz,  

01/06/2025 14:49:56

*Winter Joy*


01/06/2025 14:16:16

Have a wonderful new week Jaya!

01/06/2025 12:05:45

In life there are 1000 reasons to cry, 

100 reasons to smile, 

10 reasons to keep going 

and 1 reason to care

~ Unknown ~

01/06/2025 08:51:05

Majestic personal use Regular

Story pin image

Majestic personal use Regular

01/06/2025 07:11:57

morning Jaya..wishing you a beautiful new week..hugs 






01/06/2025 06:55:30

Hi there, sweet buddy 

I just wanted to stop by 

to wish you a week full of love, 

joy & all things beautiful

The journey of a thousand miles 

begins with the dawn of a new week

~As Always with Respect~

Hugs'n'Kisses… Vicky xoxo


01/06/2025 04:34:06

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