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01/05/2025 15:47:45


Have a Blessed Sunday Jaya!

01/05/2025 14:17:57

Happy Sunday, Jaya!  "When Johnny Strikes Up the Band!"   Play it LOUD!  See if you're not dancing.... Warren Zevon....

(12) Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy (Full Album) [Official Audio] - YouTube 

Got to dance... but... I'm just an excitable boy!

Tune Of The Day: Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London WARREN ZEVON, WEREWOLVES OF LONDON | Warren zevon, Songs, Werewolf Werewolves Of London: Behind Warren Zevon’s Howlingly Funny Song 10 Best Warren Zevon Songs of All Time - Singersroom.com 

01/05/2025 13:28:01

Hope your having a relaxing day..:)

This may contain: a woman taking a selfie in front of a mirror while holding her cell phone

This may contain: someone is watching tv with their feet up on the couch and popcorn in front of them

carousel image 0

Cheers.. my friend xo

01/05/2025 12:39:43

Stay Warm

01/05/2025 10:29:52


01/05/2025 09:09:48

What a nice Sunday morning here the sun is 

shinning it is 30 right now but on its way to the 

high 50's. Hope you have been enjoying your weekend! 

Mine has been a lazy one that include naps! Take Care 

keep Smiling! Sending Smiles and Hugs Always!

I have friends in overalls whose friendship I 

would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.

~ Thomas A. Edison ~

01/05/2025 07:30:07

Enjoy a tranquil Sunday,

♥ my dearest Jaya ♥

May your day be filled with 

calmness and reflection.

~As Always with Respect~

Feel embraced… Vicky x♥x


01/05/2025 07:25:39

Bonjour ma douce amie Jaya,

que ce dimanche offre Joie et Harmonie à ton coeur,

des flocons de bisous gorgés d'affection *♥*

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

HD giraffes and snow wallpapers | Peakpx

Aucune description disponible.

Polar Bear Snuggles GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

01/05/2025 05:39:06

01/04/2025 19:00:25

I hope this finds you happy with life around 

you and enjoying the weekend! It is cold here so big 

naps under a blanket is how i get through the day LOL 

Take care and keep smiling!

A woman whose smile is open and whose expression 

is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.

~ Anne Roiphe ~

01/04/2025 16:55:29

On devrait vider nos
cœurs comme on vide une vieille malle

Se débarrasser des
tristesses qui débordent

Des regrets trop
poussiéreux qui embrument nos lendemains

On devrait décorer
nos cœurs de couleurs vives

et chaudes en
oubliant le gris des années de pluie

et accrocher un
soleil au-dessus de nos portes

Chaque matin, poser
notre main sur notre poitrine

et sentir notre cœur

… signe de vie et
d’espoir …


Bon dimanche a tout
le monde

Bisous / Calins


We should empty our hearts like we empty
an old trunk

Get rid of the sadness that overflows

The too dusty regrets that cloud our

We should decorate our hearts with bright
and warm colors

forgetting the gray of the rainy years and
hang a sun above our doors

Every morning, put our hand on our chest
and feel our heart beat

... sign of life and hope ...


Have a good Sunday everyone

Kisses / Hugs

01/04/2025 15:53:07

Cheers to the New Year

01/04/2025 14:56:59

*Winter Hugs*


01/04/2025 14:01:01

Happy weekend Jaya!

01/04/2025 13:10:03

Thank you so much Jaya i'm going to look right now! Hope your day is going your way!

01/04/2025 13:02:28

coucou ma chère amie, Jaya

Comment vas tu ?

Je suis contente que les fêtes soient passées...

Etant seule, je n'aime pas trop les fêtes de fin d'année...

L'absence de mon compagnon me pèse...mais bon...nous devons tous partir vers un monde meilleur,  un jour ou l'autre...

Aussi, j'ai décidé de passer outre avec un peu de rire...en espérant que cela fera apparaître un sourire sur ton visage aussi....

Passe une belle soirée.

bisous du coeur


01/04/2025 12:20:05

Hello dear friends

short story

my link that

had to be on

is gone sorry

I wish you

once again

great health 2025

for family and all those you

love. I am with my

closer to her

grandson in hospital.

I take care of

the other 3 and their dog

+her husband

it is not easy

but hope for


Lots of love from

me Dayenne

See you soon?

I can't

write more

Ladies and Grooming Salon

of continues fortunately.

Love to ....

01/04/2025 12:03:26

01/04/2025 10:53:57

Stylish Calligraphy Demo

Story pin image

carousel image 0

This may contain: a leopard laying on top of a tree next to a sign that says dior


01/04/2025 10:14:35

Happy Saturday, Jaya!  Question of the day: What does the sea say to penguins?  :)  xox   

10 Interesting Facts About King Penguins - A-Z Animals Emperor Penguin Adaptations - Types of Adaptation - Bird Baron African Penguin - Facts, Habitat, Pictures, Behavior, Information ... The loneliest penguin in the world: 'Lost' Emperor swims on to beach in ... polar bear hug penguin in 2024 | Animals friendship, Polar bear, Funny ... 

Nothing: the sea just waves!   :)  xox

01/04/2025 08:45:15

01/04/2025 08:28:07

Happy Caturday....:)

This may contain: a woman dressed as catwoman standing next to a poster


01/04/2025 07:27:18

good morning Jaya





01/04/2025 06:43:53

01/04/2025 04:19:51

Image d’Épingle Story

Image d’Épingle Story

Image d’Épingle Story

Lapins animaux

Je te souhaite un week-end de tout repos

si tu es une adepte du farniente

⊹♡༄ Jaya ༄♡⊹

Ton programme pour ces 2 jours...

grasse matinée, sieste, séries télé

et réparer le monde depuis ton salon ?

Que mes bisous te trouvent

te portant comme un charme

quand ils t'arriveont.

Excellent week-end !


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