Imagine she feels SUPER, full of energy , strength , healthy.Hugs,Mabel
Good evening Paris, I wish you a happy night.
Enjoy Your Day
Have a lovely Tuesday Beautiful Cat, make sure to smile , xoxoos ~
“A child can teach an adult three things:
to be happy for no reason,
to always be busy with something,
and to know how to demand with
all his might that which he desires.”
~ Paulo Coelho ~
sunshine! Looks like a beautiful day! Not planning any
thing my foster brother is coming for a visit today so
that will be nice! Hope you have a good day planed and
everything goes your way! Take Care and have a great
day! Sending Smiles and Hugs Always!
~ Connie Stevens ~
Good Morning to you My Beautiful Heart Hugs & Kisses xo...
Good Morning! It is Tuesday and we are starting the day at 64°. I know cold weather will be back next week.
But with weather this nice, you have to enjoy each minute of the day.
Take a walk and take time to look around at what is happening in February.
Poinsettias have lost most of their green leaves but some of the red ones are still there reaching for the sun.
The Christmas Cactus is finally blooming over a month late. It needed the sunshine and we had so many cold days with clouds.
The Anthurium is still blooming through the winter just because other plants are happy and blooming too.
At the end of the day, look back and remember what made you smile. Hopefully, you shared that smile with others and even laughed out loud.
Hello , my Friend , For the first time I post a real photo of my daughter . Not imaginary one. She uses to bathe in icy water . The photo is taken two years ago.Any reaction of your is WELCOME !Hugs , Mabel
Hello, happy Tuesday. Let's live intensely
every moment because life is a box
of surprises. Being happy is a unique option
It depends on you. Choose happiness as a way of
life. It's a good time to start
the dream you want or that goal you have
pending. Live with joy and good humor
and you will feel better with a ray of light
and hope. Sending you smiles and joy
will bring you happiness. I send you
big hugs, Maria. Take care.