Hello my dear friend, I want to thank all
of you for your friendship! We live many miles apart but here we are
close by in this home we call the boomers. Blessed
Be..*Hugs* & *Love*
When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to the land.
Native American Proverb
Basic values do not need to be changed or improved in the same way that tools, weapons, and instruments do. We simply need to remember that they have been a part of us. If we look past our modern arrogance to see the intelligence and the wisdom of our ancestors, we will be reminded that the older man or the woman. the greater the knowledge and the deeper the wisdom.
Tuesday is usually my favorite day, however, we will only be close to 50° with a 30 mph wind today.
So today may be a day with lots of thankful rejoicing at home.
Thankful that my best friend is my hubby. We help each other in almost everything we do together even though his way is usually right I try to tell him it is wrong.
Thank goodness there is Mistletoe this time of year.
I am also thankful for my work family that treated me to a most fun Birthday lunch.
Yes, I am thankful and blessed by each and every one of you, my family of friends.