Hello Sweetness !
Hope you Enjoy some Delightful Times,
with much Joy, Harmony and Love.
Hugs from the Heart...♥
Hello good morning, Thursday is here,
this week flew by,
enjoy a BEAUTIFUL DAY full of PEACE, and
new joys, I wish I had them but
how nice that on this new day your routines
become new surprises, anger, smiles and sadness,
in hopes, face your day with a smile
on your pretty face, a new illusion in your
soul and a lot of love in your heart, the weather here
is crazy cold, rainy, sad days,
if tomorrow it changes I will grow wings, and I will fly
it must be relaxing, in the sky, and see
new things, get into a white cloud
and let the stars illuminate me, and I send you hugs
Maria take care.......................
The most beautiful thing a person
can leave behind is a smile
when they are remembered...
Good morning, beautiful Soul!
May you have a day
as bright as your smiles and
as lovely as your hearts♥
With Love,Sunshine♥
Enjoy your day, HUgzz xo
Miss you, MeMe :) xox
Hello Friend,
Hope your day was good. Have a nice evening. ~ Hugs
Good Night my friend, I just love my teddy bears...:)
Sweetest Dreams & Blessings.. xo
I am much More...xo
Hope your day has been filled with smiles!
A true friend is a not like the rain
that pours and goes, their more like the air;
sometimes keeping quiet, but always there..
~ Unknown ~
Wishing all your soundtracks are good my friend. And the bad ones you never hear again. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Jazzsinger
Have a nice day my dear friend!
Today rain, Have a good day.HUgzzz xo
Hello, how the days go by, every day that passes
we areone day older, hehe, it is a saying from Spain
that TODAY and ALWAYS there is a reason to LAUGH, an
illusion to move forward and start a great
Wednesday, and hundreds of reasons to FIGHT and
be happy, one more day I was passing by here to
greet you, and wish you a great day of peace full
of love, enjoy your little pleasures
that surround you, don't let anyone erase your
smile. If it's being a good day, PAUSE to
enjoy it. It's the best secret of life
I wish you with all my heart, with a big hug
Maria, take care