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06/12/2024 11:32:00

A woman always has the last word in an argument. 

Anything a man says after it is the beginning 

of a new argument.

~ Unknown ~

06/12/2024 01:32:42

Hello Sweetness!

....Full of God's thought's,a place of peace and safety amid the mostexalted grandeur andenthusiastic action, a newsong, a place of beginningsabounding in first lessonsof life, mountain building eternal, invincible, unbreakable order; with sermons in stone, storms,trees, flowers, and animal s brimful with humanity.      ---- John Muir ----

Wonderful DayBeautiful Soul!

06/12/2024 01:03:03

Hello Sweetness!

Teddy Bear Kissess!/p/divdiv        Muaahhh

06/12/2024 00:40:50
Hello Sweetness!

The World Breaks Everyone,/divpand Afterward, Some are Strong at The Broken Places.   ---- Ernest Hemingway ----

06/12/2024 00:20:51

Hello Sweetness!

Have a Rosey Kinda Day           my Sweet Friend!

06/11/2024 18:04:01

Evening was a nice cool day 70's

went for tea., and then bj's   wholesale then home

hope you a had good day..   see you in the morning

Hugs  June

06/11/2024 12:24:20

We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. 

We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. 

We've learned how to make a living but not a life. 

We've added years to life, not life to years.

~ Unknown ~

06/10/2024 21:16:34

Monday love...

06/10/2024 18:19:13

Evening my friend a new week begins.,

the weather was in 70's  getting warmer ever day may hit 90 friday

Just did laundry  and went for coffee.,  see you tomorrow

06/10/2024 13:06:24

The future belongs to those who believe 

in the beauty of their dreams.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~  

06/10/2024 07:33:37

*     *     *     *     *

..here's hoping you can start your day off with a little 'wiggle' on your hips and a big smile on your face, darlin!

*     *     *     *     *

06/10/2024 00:52:19

Hello Sweetness!

When we long for life withoutdifficulties, Remind us thatoaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are madeunder pressure.    ---- Peter Marshall ----

Morning Sweet Friend....How have you been this past 2 weeks? Good I
hope! Just wanted to thank you and everyone for all the Beautiful Images
and comments, messages and gifts while I was away on break.All of you
are so sweet and dear to me, so special to have each and everyone of you
as a friend to me....Thank You! See you back here on Wednesday sweet
soul.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amiga/amigo. Siempre enviado con mucho amore y respeto....su querida
amiga gue nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

06/10/2024 00:32:50

    Hello Sweetness!

    The Most Attractive Suit   You Can Wear is Confidence.              ---Jesse Jimz ---

    It's Time To   Boss Up!

06/10/2024 00:20:06

Hello Sweetness!

Red the color of Passion, Love, Power,Confidence,Aggression, Dominance, Attraction and Persuasion, Love the color Red lol. Red is known to have both physiological and psychologicalimpacts on people, thus producing positive and negative effects on us.Studies show that it's warm and vibrant hues gives us more to take action.Are you feeling anything yet sweetie? lol

06/09/2024 19:35:23

Evening  watching celtics game..

my son came by  with the girlfriend., bought chinese food they wanted., they take all to go home... plus the Italian rum cake.,and a gift card, for his birthday..  made thm homemade mac and cheese for them  to take home.  hope you hade a great day.., expensive day for me..   see you in the morning.

hugs June

06/09/2024 11:09:22

Sensual Sunday...

06/08/2024 18:58:07

Evening was an ok day  60's  lite rain

just went to pick up the Italian rum cake  a town over., plus bought a pizza to have for lunch and dinner.. and hallmark store.. hope your having a great weekend.  took a 3 hour nap i didn't sleep well last night.  have a good night.  

06/08/2024 17:54:26

Sensual Saturday...

06/08/2024 11:52:14

06/08/2024 07:47:12

...wherever your day takes you, my friend, I hope you'll find lots of smiles along the way..and as for me I'm still deciding!

06/07/2024 18:23:31

Evening was a nice day 70's

had some sun showers this afternoon..

went to the stop and shop., coffee and Aldi's

hope your having a good start for the weekend., good night my friend see you in the morning.

06/07/2024 11:33:52

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. 

So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. 

It all exists, even if it's in your mind. 

Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't 

as real as the here and now?” 

~ John Lennon ~

06/07/2024 09:41:10

I have had a very busy morning but home now 

and going to bed! I am sore all over? Don't know why 

but hope it stops! May the sun shine down upon you 

and your day be full of success and send you to a 

great weekend! Sending Smiles and Hugs and hope you 

pass it on!

The sincere friends of this world are as ship 

lights in the stormiest of nights.

~ Giotto di Bondone ~

06/06/2024 17:28:21

Evening, sorry no comments yesterday., but my eye was in such pain., the med's i have to do for a week after the surgery burns the heck out of my eye need to do them 4x a day.

they will do my other eye June 24.,the eye still blurry hope after the drops it clears up.

my son girlfriend drove me to the lawyers i had appointment l couldn't drive  .  then took her to lunch.

hope you had a good day., it's been raining here see you in the morning.

06/06/2024 15:36:20

...hey, my friend... I have peaches 'overload'..grab a bucket, bag or basket and come and take as many as you want before the squirrels  do...happens every year!

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