Evening my friend., well my eye surgery went well, just have a headache over the eye
next eye done in december., i got a new phone just have to fiquire out and add my stuff to it.
weather was chilly today 50's., tomorrow heavy winds and rain so i'll be staying in.
hope your having a great day., Hugs June
rained all night! I slept hard last night but i am still
tired?! Hope your day goes your way! Take Care and share
those Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!
~ John Ray ~
Art by Roberto Ferri
enough to put a Smile on your face! Loving south Georgia's
day's lately! 40's at night and mid 70's during the day! It
sure puts a smile on my face! Take Care and share those
Smiles! Smiles and Hugs to you Always!
it is seldom known until it is lost.
~ Charles Caleb Colton ~
“Flowers are the alphabet of angels,
whereby they write on the hills and
fields mysterious truths.”
~ Benjamin Franklin ~