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03/25/2025 11:05:04

 Tuesday tats...

03/25/2025 08:24:22

Hello, beautiful, your Tuesday starts well, just as you expected. With a positive attitude, life is lived better.

Full of joy and love, start your day with new opportunities. To be happy, to achieve everything you want. Smile and the world will smile back at you. Don't plan anything, because today you will have a surprise you didn't expect. A magic fairy will arrive and light everything up. Let yourself go and enjoy.

Have a beautiful Tuesday full of success. Big hugs, Maria. Take care.

03/24/2025 15:50:31

03/24/2025 09:22:38

Hello, good morning, happy start to the week.

Enjoy the HERE and NOW because LIFE is an

eternal PRESENT. Have a beautiful and blessed week.

As you begin a new week, let's look to the future with

new hopes and dreams. Let's begin with optimism because behind it lies a new, more beautiful smile.

May all your goals be fulfilled and no one take away your happiness. May your brilliant week be filled

with light and joy in your soul. Share with others. Big hugs, Maria.....................

03/23/2025 20:30:55



03/23/2025 12:08:38

Enjoy Relaxing today 

03/23/2025 08:56:06

Hello, friend, happy Sunday, the end of the week.

Spring started off badly, but we have to brighten

 the days.Whether it's Monday or Tuesday, it's better

 to start with the blue sky.May it fill you with energy

M and start a better day.Sometimes life gives us hope

 when you least expect it.I want to share happy

 days with you.A joy in your beautiful heart and energy.

 Sometimes we need new experiences.I often dream of being 

a flying bird and traveling through the sky, with the  

I send you big kisses.stars that illuminate your mind

 and clear your mind.Maria, take care.

03/22/2025 09:15:28

Scary Saturday...

03/22/2025 08:36:13

Hello friend, another weekend. Time flies by.

Today, Saturday, we're going to ADD confidence,

joy, and hope. And we're going to SUBTRACT worries,

complaints, and fears. LIFE has many beautiful new surprises

 in store for you. You just have to live them day by day.

Live with enthusiasm and love. Spend your day with a

big smile on your beautiful face. Cast aside your sorrows and spend

a successful day. Hugs, Maria.

03/21/2025 18:53:21

Lots of love♥️ very
much bad disruption
don't be angry
and yes angry sorry
more I can't
am very nervous ♥️
our business has also suffered a lot
I am busy ♥️busy
it's hard)
Lots.of love hug♥️
Dayenne and everyone here
Have a great weekend ♥️♥️

03/21/2025 14:55:13

Freaky Friday...

03/21/2025 13:47:14

Your success and happiness lies in you. 

Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you 

shall form an invincible host against difficulties. 

~ Helen Keller ~

03/21/2025 08:35:08

Hello, good morning. SMILE because it's FRIDAY, and you have a BEAUTIFUL DAY ahead of you to ENJOY life to the fullest. I send you a big HUG and my best wishes. Don't forget to smile. Spend your day the way you want, whatever makes you happiest. Don't forget those who greet you, and your day will be blessed. Smiling at others doesn't cost money; if you don't, it will cost you more. Big hugs, Maria.

03/20/2025 10:27:44

03/20/2025 10:23:59

03/20/2025 09:02:56

Hello, good morning, and have a great start to Thursday.

I'm not in a good mood, but I'm taking advantage of stopping by your home and sending you the best for another day. The days are getting warmer, but the best thing is to start with a beautiful smile and a good mood. End your day well, and have sweet dreams.

And have a good morning, Maria

03/19/2025 13:37:28

I know it's Wednesday..

But, I'm waiting for the weekend already 

03/19/2025 10:27:31

“You may say I'm a dreamer, 

but I'm not the only one. 

I hope someday you'll join us. 

And the world will live as one.” 

~ John Lennon ~

03/19/2025 08:45:47

Hello, again, we had a great day today, Wednesday.

And tomorrow will be another day. You have to make the most of your days, as much as you can.

This new Wednesday is a day for smiling. It's the best way to spend it the way you like. And leave the sadness behind. Life is sweeter if you smile.

Take care. Hugs, Maria.

03/18/2025 18:05:52

have a good eveing i went to my foot doctor today got some things done today  my leg is getting better,  tomrrow go back to my club, nice spring day today, soon it be spring cant wait,  take care see you tomrrow love all of your comments and pictures god bless love mary

03/18/2025 12:42:24

Is comforting to know, that there is Someone 

who is ready to listen, when you've doubts and fears,

and always ready to share not only the Laughter 

but also the Tears.... 

~ Unknown ~

03/18/2025 08:42:39

Hello, start your Tuesday bright like

your smile, don't start your day without your

smile, let it shine and light you up throughout

the day, like the stars at night

never lose hope, there are miracles

every day, no matter what day it is

get up and shine and follow the path

that you want, full of fun and pleasure

warm and healthy and special and beautiful

like your friendship, big hugs

take care, Maria wishes you......................

03/18/2025 05:37:16

Tuesday love...

03/17/2025 21:18:57

03/17/2025 20:11:18

Hope everyone had a blessing day everyone is irish   , god blessings. iam doing ok  my leg is slowly improving  iam watching the voice, they all good. i had a little bit of cornbeef and cabage but i feel my  body is loosing  taste for it i guess the older you get  brain says no lol ha ha, i love the irish soda bread but iys like thanksgiving   good for only one day you get tired, my stomach cant take certin food like i did when i was younger. anyway tomrrow  is my fooot doctor at 1pm have a wonderful night. still pray for our court case we got less 20  pluss days to  appeal our case  there is a meeting at my friend house that we  meet, but my leg i dont know i can, my frend house is   on a rock mountain to get to the house then its the stairs my leg i cant do it. ill have to see  what we can do. pray  for this thank you  good night. love mary

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