to spend quality time with family and friends. I had a great
night laughing with William how taking a shower would feel!
When i got out of my first shower William looked at me and he
said "granny you sounded like you were having sex" i admit i
was speechless but turned to him and said i was with soap and
water! Bwhahahahaha! Today is going to be clean out the fridge,
i am not looking forward but got to be done! Have a great day and
my prayers in morning church was Thank You Lord for my life,
and be with those that are still going through Helene's disaster!
~ Jack Dempsey ~
have a chilled out Sunday 🖤
Good Morning! It's Saturday!
Have you seen my relative? The Okapi is rarely seen.
Someone took a picture of me. Aren't I looking good?
My Uncle had someone color a picture of him to hang above the mantle.
My grandmother had a quilt made from one of her pictures.
Now the cousins from Canada did an AI generated picture of themselves.
I am heading to a Balloon party with friends now so I will catch you later.