Tuesday is here and Fall is still hanging around in Texas. I still get up before the sun comes up each day, how about you?
Just because it is Fall doesn't mean the same thing to us as it does to some of you. We are 75° and the days are beautiful. Perfect for sailing a super light Hydrofoil.
Yesterday I mowed the yard which mulched the grass, weeds, and leaves. Then while sitting on the patio, I saw a Mockingbird, a Blue Jay getting a drink of water, a Woodpecker leaving the birdbath, and a beautiful male cardinal checking out my plants.
Fall to us means no more 100's but we might get near 90° in November or even near Christmas. But Ole Man Winter will show up sometime in January or February.
I hope you are enjoying your days as much as I am enjoying each day that comes my way. Whether you have snow or rain, whether it is your most favorite weather or least favorite, share your smile and your love!
Hello Dear ❤Friends from My Boomer Place.❤ Love and Greetings from the Netherlands*❤ from our busy Ladies and Trim salon)❤ Wet noses the Dogs❤ and from me hug❤ remotely Hugs Dayenne×❤×❤
"Minden ember a földön a mában él, Ám a szívében még ott lapul a múlt, De megtalálja a holnap kapuját, Ahová a mán keresztül vezet minden út."
Máté Péter
Kedves Barátom! Remélem jól teltek a hétvége napjai. Nálunk a lányomék voltak itt Máté unokánkkal. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat, szombaton szép, napsütéses időnk volt. Vasárnap délutántól párás, ködös a levegő. Már napközben sem kellemes a hőmérséklet. Vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva