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06/12/2024 00:34:32
Hello Sweetness!

The World Breaks Everyone,/divpand Afterward, Some are Strong at The Broken Places.   ---- Ernest Hemingway ----

06/12/2024 00:20:03

Hello Sweetness!

Have a Rosey Kinda Day           my Sweet Friend!

06/11/2024 12:21:34

We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. 

We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. 

We've learned how to make a living but not a life. 

We've added years to life, not life to years.

~ Unknown ~

06/10/2024 13:02:45

The future belongs to those who believe 

in the beauty of their dreams.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~  

06/10/2024 00:49:53

Hello Sweetness!

When we long for life withoutdifficulties, Remind us thatoaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are madeunder pressure.    ---- Peter Marshall ----

Morning Sweet Friend....How have you been this past 2 weeks? Good I
hope! Just wanted to thank you and everyone for all the Beautiful Images
and comments, messages and gifts while I was away on break.All of you
are so sweet and dear to me, so special to have each and everyone of you
as a friend to me....Thank You! See you back here on Wednesday sweet
soul.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amiga/amigo. Siempre enviado con mucho amore y respeto....su querida
amiga gue nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

06/10/2024 00:29:55

    Hello Sweetness!

    The Most Attractive Suit   You Can Wear is Confidence.              ---Jesse Jimz ---

    It's Time To   Boss Up!

06/10/2024 00:19:28

Hello Sweetness!

Red the color of Passion, Love, Power,Confidence,Aggression, Dominance, Attraction and Persuasion, Love the color Red lol. Red is known to have both physiological and psychologicalimpacts on people, thus producing positive and negative effects on us.Studies show that it's warm and vibrant hues gives us more to take action.Are you feeling anything yet sweetie? lol

06/10/2024 00:18:27

Hello Sweetness!

Red the color of Passion, Love, Power,Confidence,Aggression, Dominance, Attraction and Persuasion, Love the color Red lol. Red is known to have both physiological and psychologicalimpacts on people, thus producing positive and negative effects on us.Studies show that it's warm and vibrant hues gives us more to take action.Are you feeling anything yet sweetie? lol

06/09/2024 19:09:13

Summer heat here in California....Hope your staying well....Hugs Lorribelle54

06/07/2024 11:30:23

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. 

So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. 

It all exists, even if it's in your mind. 

Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't 

as real as the here and now?” 

~ John Lennon ~

06/07/2024 09:11:37

Soft kiss, Sarena 

06/07/2024 08:29:24

Thanks for the great comments while I was away Dreams, My Gorgeous one . Kiss Sarena.

06/06/2024 21:15:59

Our summer has heated up...hope your staying cool.....TGIF Hugs Lorribelle54

06/06/2024 09:18:36

Not everything that is faced can be changed, 

but nothing can be changed until it is faced....

~ Unknown ~

06/05/2024 11:52:26

Friendship is unnecessary, 

like philosophy, like art... 

It has no survival value; 

rather it is one of those things 

that give value to survival.

~ C.S. Lewis ~

06/04/2024 13:06:08

Cling to your imperfections, 

they are what make you unique

~ Unknown ~

05/31/2024 13:16:57

Someday everything will all make perfect sense. 

so for now, laugh at confusion, 

smile through the tears, 

and keep reminding yourself that

everything happens for a reason.

~ Unknown ~

05/30/2024 17:57:18


05/30/2024 13:01:43

"Each morning when I open my eyes i say to myself: 

I, not events, have the power to make me happy 

or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. 

Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. 

I have just one day, today, 

and I'm going to be happy in it" 

~ Groucho Marx ~

05/29/2024 12:32:25

"It doesn't matter what people think about you, 

It only matters what you think about yourself."

~ Unknown ~

05/28/2024 17:52:27


05/28/2024 10:59:19

When you talk, you repeat what you already know; 

when you listen, you often learn something.

~ Unknown ~

05/27/2024 18:58:43


05/27/2024 12:37:03

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, 

a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, 

an honest compliment, 

or the smallest act of caring, 

all of which have the potential to turn a life around 

~ Unknown ~

05/24/2024 11:16:54

"Just because today is a terrible day 

doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life. 

You just have to get there."

~ Unknown ~

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