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03/11/2025 12:43:29

03/11/2025 12:29:56

*Have a nice day dear Nelrgla*

03/11/2025 12:23:12

Evening ... Some other thoughts ... Is this Woman so beautiful ???

 "I helped myself.

I wiped my tears. I put balm on the wounds. I put Band-Aids where my heart still hurt.
I took my time.
I read books that soothed my soul, listened to music that calmed my nerves, watched movies that made me smile. Step by step. Piece by piece.
I pulled myself together and gave myself a second chance.
Because I knew that if I didn't do it, no one would."
By : Ruby Dhal

03/11/2025 12:20:04

03/11/2025 12:09:35

03/11/2025 11:06:36

Happy Tuesday Friends - Have a nice day - Premium Wishes

03/11/2025 10:44:10

Hello dear friend!

May your days be filled with

all that makes you happy my sweet friend.

Thank you for stopping by ...

Many greetings,Abby

Story pin image

Story pin image

This may contain: chocolates, raspberries and roses on a table

This may contain: a woman in a red dress and hat talking on her cell phone while sitting down

This may contain: a man and woman are kissing in front of a cityscape at night time

03/11/2025 10:17:24

Sending Tuesday Love & Smiles. :)

03/11/2025 10:16:21

⋆☀︎.Blessed Morning With Life⋆☀︎.

♡Lot's Of Love♡

03/11/2025 09:47:16

03/11/2025 09:12:50

may you have a
delightful day xoxo 






03/11/2025 09:09:34

Wishing you a lovely Tuesday :) smiles ~

03/11/2025 08:44:41

Everyone has a story, 

whether its a fairy tale 

or a nightmare, 

is completely up to you.

~ Unknown ~

03/11/2025 08:21:32

03/11/2025 07:23:30

I Hope Your Begins With JoyDear Friend. Hugs

03/11/2025 07:17:13

Peace and blessings ! Love you all , Mabel



03/11/2025 07:07:00

Mardi printanier , je te le souhaite lumineux Nelrgla...

Avec des envois de Câlins aux douceurs du printemps...

03/11/2025 07:02:22


03/11/2025 06:59:17

Happy Tattoo Tuesday..:)

Neck Tattoo

This may contain: a wolf is sitting in the grass with flowers around him and looking at the camera

Some people aren't who they say they are.Be cautiious of the company you keep..Wolves in sheeps clothing.

Big HUgzz for your day xo

Story pin image

03/11/2025 05:55:51



Thank you for everything..xoxo

03/11/2025 05:52:15


Hello dear,friend.

Spring,as always, happy women are in fashion.Happy day..!!!

03/11/2025 05:27:23

Good Tuesday Morning my friend!  A perfect week temperature wise is ahead, 50's to 70's.  

It sounds like picture perfect weather if that is the only thing you look at!  

Then they tell you that there might be a day or two with a chance of rain.  So you see the birds gathering at the feeder to stock up.  

Now they also tell you that half of the days will be windy.  It is March after all.  But 50 mph straight line winds cause lots of damage.  

Be sure to look at all the details.  Perfect days and not so perfect days together make you stronger.  

Go out and make the entire week, one day at a time, the best it can be.  Smile and share your love.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/11/2025 05:09:27

03/11/2025 05:04:14

Hello my sweet FRIEND.
It feels so good to come back to chat with you, I missed you!
I wish you a very good week,and pleasant day!
Friendship, big kisses Ariele.


03/11/2025 05:02:18

happy tattoo tuesday.love and hugs

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