This is from when I met Willie at the "Ohio State Fair" Our band was due to open for him, but technical Difficulties prevented it. This was back behind the Stage. I took the photo.
C'est vraiment un temps à ne pas mettre le nez dehors... nous avons rallumé le poêle, et je me paye un lumbago !... j'en connais beaucoup qui ont allumé leur chauffage !...
Pas d'été de la st Michel cette année il aura fait un temps exécrable durant tout l'été !... et ça continue...
Dear Friends ❤ Some people will never understand your life and your choices. And that's fine. You are here to really live your life.❤ Not to make sure everyone understands you. Always with Respect ❤ Dayenne from the Netherlands ❤ Have a nice day Hugs❤