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02/22/2025 18:02:23

Saturday love...

02/22/2025 17:47:45

02/22/2025 17:25:14

Hi slept late today and choose to be lazy today! 

I am watching movies, comedy's and enjoying them very much 

They are going to take Tasha off the ventilator today i 

haven't heard yet how she is but it will come! Well just got 

a text they are trying but they have to take it slow. I really 

hate not being with her! Hope you have a great weekend! Take 

Care! Sending Smiles and Hugs!   

Most smiles are started by another smile.

~ Frank A. Clark ~

02/22/2025 14:58:14

Free Young woman sipping coffee in a modern kitchen, enjoying a relaxed morning atmosphere. Stock PhotoHave a wonderful weekend sweet one ♥

02/22/2025 14:50:35

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Weekend!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

02/22/2025 14:08:59

02/22/2025 14:05:59

*Happy weekend Sweetpea*

02/22/2025 12:54:08

*Have a lovely Caturday*

02/22/2025 12:10:54

Today we are going back to 1957! Elvis was shaking his hips,

Old Yeller was playing in theatres (only movie to make me cry)

Eisenhower  was in the Whitehouse, and Sonny James' 

Young Love went to number 1 in the US:)

See you at the jukebox^_~

02/22/2025 11:58:20

 Happy Caturday , bon weekend 

hug Kristy

02/22/2025 11:19:50

Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa 

Which one do you drink when it's cold ?

02/22/2025 11:14:53

02/22/2025 11:05:50

Bonjour ma chère Patricia ,

La nature se réveille... il y a comme un air de printemps !
Ici , les fleurs commencent à pointer le bout de leur nez ainsi que les bourgeons des arbres , les oiseaux chantent...
On se sent revivre ...
Tout indique que  Le printemps sera bientôt là...
Je te souhaite un excellent week-end et t'envoie quelques rayons du soleil qui est actuellement bien présent chez moi...







*°•.✫ Douces pensées ✫.•°*

    ♥ Bisous du coeur ♥



02/22/2025 10:34:13

I like Coffee better

And Donuts!!!

02/22/2025 09:14:29

Have a wonderful day and a lovely weekend :) smile ~

02/22/2025 09:03:03

a cartoon of snoopy jumping in the air with the words yay it 's the weekend

02/22/2025 08:52:54

02/22/2025 08:44:54

02/22/2025 07:57:08

Hello and good afternoon
Dear ♥️.Friends
have a nice weekend♥️
in Peace and Harmony ♥️
I'm with the
Dogs busy♥️
just do this
by ♥️Kiss and
Love ♥️Dayenne ♥️
Always remain calm
to keep!!!!
and respect each otherߙ

02/22/2025 06:31:13

Good Morning my Treasured Friend,

Wishing You a Field of Flowered Harmony

with some Shiny Wellness on Your Weekend !

Enjoy it with pure Delight, Love your way...

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02/22/2025 04:09:45

“Lift up your eyes.
See each new day as a gift overflowing with blessings.”


Enjoy a Relaxing Saturday, My Dear Friend


Lot’s of Love!

02/22/2025 03:41:02

02/22/2025 03:31:18

Hello, I send you all my positive energy,

I hope you have a great and successful 

weekend,the best gift you can give is

 to transmit your joy, with the desire

to live, to have the best time you can,

as you wish, live with positivity and optimism,

and happiness will always be present

in your life, I wish you good times,

full of great successes, hugs,

Maria, take care--------------

02/22/2025 02:26:23

02/21/2025 23:57:49

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