mine was busy cooking all day., made Italian gravy and homemade meatballs and sausages., plus breaded all the cutletlets put then in the freezer for another day.had a sandwich for dinner..,have a great night see you in the morning..
Evening my friend ., I hope your having a great Friday and plans for the weekend.,
I went for coffee and the super market., bought veal cutlets on sale 9.99 lb so bought 8 lbs
will bread them and freeze them., tomorrow i will make Italian gavey with meatballs and sausages., ., my son came by to fix my doorbell., ., hope you have a great night see you tomorrow.
Good evening dear♥️ and beautiful♥️ friends wish you ♥️ much ♥️ love from the Netherlands ♥️ and health love♥️ from me ♥️ our busy business Dayenne with Respect ♥️ take good care of yourself.Kisses♥️ Nice Weekend!!!!!♥️