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03/03/2025 23:51:24

03/03/2025 19:33:09



This may contain: a potted plant sitting on top of a table next to a sign that says wishing you a great week ahead

This may contain: a woman's face with leaves on her head and green eyes, in white backgroundThis may contain: the words hello monday enjoy this week written in black ink on a white background with a heart

This may contain: the words hello, it's me written in black and red

03/03/2025 15:22:55

03/03/2025 14:19:29


03/03/2025 13:42:25

03/03/2025 10:16:05

03/03/2025 08:07:39

Hello, friend, good start to a special week

Today is a gift to you, just like you are a 

gift to me.I am  glad that you are a part

  of my life.for your friendship Let's   

SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day May

 LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance.

see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'

ll be able to live a much richer life 

than others.Wishing you a warm and healthy 

morning,to make your day so special. Have

Smile and be happy. Be grateful for 

all the good things in your life.kisses 

take care........Maria

03/03/2025 06:49:41


♥Have a wonderful Day my sweet Friend♥

03/03/2025 05:55:03

i hope your
Monday goes very well for you my friend..many hugs xo 










03/03/2025 05:16:20

Blessed New Week Archives - The Horse Mafia

03/03/2025 04:04:06

🖤 Good morning 

have a Magical Monday 🖤

03/02/2025 22:23:10

03/02/2025 20:03:00

This may contain: a black and white photo with the caption omg run monday's coming

This may contain: a green plant with lots of flowers lit up in the dark

This may contain: a woman with lights in her face and hands

This may contain: a drawing of a hot air balloon with the words sending you hugs xoxo written on it

03/02/2025 18:30:28

May the heavens shower you with love...

03/02/2025 17:32:36

Evening happy sunday., cold day wind chill  zero

stayed in getting all my tax papers ready., just have to add up all my medical then i can go to the account.

hope you had a great weekend., see you in the morning


03/02/2025 17:19:54

Blessings to you Stan ...
enjoy this beautiful Sunday!

03/02/2025 13:54:20

I'm nailing my Sunday..Hope U R 2

03/02/2025 11:18:22

03/02/2025 10:11:18

It has been a few day's and i have missed you! I 

at times have been having breathing problems. I am not sure 

i am having anxiety from my daughters condition or the COPD 

the Dr say's i have. Well i am saying Hello and hope your 

past few day's were better than mine! My daughter is finally 

off the ventilator and breathing well on her on, That is 

what i call an answer from God! So kick back and have a really 

great day before the work week starts! Share the Smiles and i 

am sending you Smiles and Hugs with continued prayers for my 


It's not all fine and dandy, but a smile can go a long 

way. Show some love, be patient, and this world will be a much 

better place.

~ Jimmy Butler ~

03/02/2025 09:35:33

No photo description available.good morning to all my dear friends.mr, winter is back for a few more days, yesterday was  nice. blessings  sunday enjoy the morning coffee, my leg is slowly getting beter, still leaping my friend dolan who is in my club, he is in charge of dancing activity with us, on fridays he does zumba with us, friday  past  someone has to take his place  his left leg  and my right leg  we great pair lol.  i stayed near my table i did a little  i used my arms and let leg  ha ha, well my boomer place i dont give up, i keep ging, iam so blessed. take care, love mary

03/02/2025 09:20:07

No photo description available.

03/02/2025 08:23:13

Hello first Sunday of March, the

months go by quickly, the worst thing is that the years

come back, you have to take advantage of every day

of your life, get up every morning with a smile

as pretty as your face, you will look younger and

happier, being sad is not a reward,

and if you get up on the right foot, you will have more

energy, and your Sunday will be new like the

children who get up with their tantrums and

smiling, kick, and laugh

with laughter that brightens life and sometimes

you feel like a baby, that's how I wish I were

but it's not possible, hehe, brighten your day

I send you my energy and I send you a big hug, 

your friend Maria, take care

03/02/2025 07:59:01

ᰔᩚCup Of Loveᰔᩚ

Beautiful Morning Much Love

Always With Respect

03/02/2025 06:13:33

good morning..may you have a blessed peaceful Sunday..hugs 









03/01/2025 19:53:08

This may contain: water drops on a leaf with blurry lights in the background

This may contain: a glass filled with liquid sitting on top of a table covered in firecrackers

This may contain: a digital painting of a woman with blue hair


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