Good Morning/Good Afternoon,
my lovely Friend
There is nothing as beautiful as
the two beautiful days
that end the week.
Days filled with a lot of
relaxation and anticipation
for what is to come again!
Happy Saturday! Enjoy your weekend.
~As Always with Respect~
Hugs'n'Kisses…. Vicky xx
Bonjour ma douce Myriam bon matin et bon café
Profite bien de ces quelques jours de repos pour vous
Ressoucer et oublie le stress quotidien ! ! et je te souhaite
Un week*end de la détente et une légéreté zen pour toi
et une pluie d*un doux baisers et à bientôt ma bel amie *
Hello ! chère Myriam
Aie un bon Cha..medi !
Gros câlins
Caturday is here again on this cold January of 2025. Do you have weekend plans?
If not, come on over and we will sit by the fire for a while. Do you like coffee or tea or maybe some hot chocolate?
I can tell by the chocolate on your face already which one you prefer!
Well, would you look at that, someone has already been in the coffee bean this morning.
What are you guys doing in the pantry? Don't eat it all because I need my coffee every day.
Oh what the heck, let's just go back to bed for a while and take a short nap to start this weekend off right.
Passe un bon week-end mon amie. *smile*
Coucou chère Michele
Passe un beau WE, malgré le froid et la le gel.
Prions pour la Californie !!
Si ce feu pouvait être maîtrisé rapidement !!!...
Je pense que quelques bonnes averses de grosse pluie pourraint peut être resoudre le probleme...(??)
Coucou chère Myriam
let's pray for California !
Prions pour la Californie !!!
big hugs
Sweet Blessings from me to you...
Happy Casual Friday Boomers!
Sephora and I have some clowning around
to do:-)
Bonjour mon amie Myriam,
Je te souhaite un week-end heureux et relaxant.
Rempli de joie et de paix. Amitié, bisous.