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06/02/2024 22:57:59

How wonderful for you...You must be so excited! It will be a very long flight, I know, but so worth it  I'm so happy for you. xoxo

06/02/2024 22:51:13

I hope you're staying cool in that awful heat...109 is so dangerous...reminds me of the heatwaves we had here last summer...xoxo

06/02/2024 22:49:04

Good night and...
happy new week ahead!

06/02/2024 22:48:44

Thank you so much for the pic of that beautiful plant! Such a lovely color...I've never seen one like that in my area. xoxo

06/02/2024 22:15:41


06/02/2024 22:03:20

Happy Monday | สวัสดีตอนเช้า, สุขสันต์วันจันทร์, อรุณสวัสดิ์

Pin by Kimberly Crocker on Flower's | Rose, Plants, Flowers

Lovers sunset Stock Photos, Royalty Free Lovers sunset Images |  Depositphotos

06/02/2024 21:11:45

06/02/2024 20:47:44


Saturday we got just under 2" and this evening we got just under 2" in about an hour.  I love going out the garage and splashing in the water that stands in the driveway.  So today I took this beautiful reflection as the sun was setting.  

Good Night and Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

06/02/2024 20:25:42

06/02/2024 20:19:49

I hope you had a wonderful weekend
Now enjoy a relaxing night
and have a beautiful new week ahead
Lots of Love and Hugs

06/02/2024 20:08:00

~*~ peace ~*~

06/02/2024 20:05:36

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 NIV Have a peaceful night friend.






They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. 1 Peter 3:11 NIV

06/02/2024 18:15:31

Hope this short note finds you well my friend. Just enjoy a nice start to the new month and any time you have to yourself. HAPPY WEEK sweet you!  

Warm hugs, Christian 

06/02/2024 15:22:25



Aranyosi Ervin: Merj újra gyerekké válni!

Azt hiszed, a fiatalság életkor kérdése? Az arcodra, a zord idő, ezer ráncot vés-e? A tested sem úgy mocorog, ahogy régen mozgott? Fájdítja az ízületet, megbántja a csontot? És a lelked, vele mi van? Képes-e repülni? Hétköznapok fogságából ki tudsz menekülni? Él-e benned még a gyermek szép szabadság vágya? Mert, ha lelked nem köt gúzsba, még tiéd a pálya! Figyeld, mi tesz még boldoggá, mitől jó a kedved? Az életed minden reggel meg kell ünnepelned! Keresd meg a mosolyodat, arcod szép ruháját, keress új célt, új álmokat, élvezd ki a báját. Érezz hálát minden percért, mert ha jól csinálod, gyerekesen kedvessé lesz újra a világod. nem számít, hogy más mit gondol, hogyan kéne élned! Élvezd ki a mai napod, nincsen mitől félned! És ha lenne bátorságod, kezdj hát új dologba! Lépj bátran ki a napfényre, ne ülj a sarokba!






Szia kedves Barátom! Itt vagyok újra. Július 12-ig leszek, aztán megyek vissza a kórházba. Remélem jól vagy és jól telnek a napok? Vártam már, hogy meglátogathassalak, bár a szemem nagyon nem szereti a monitor fényét. Ugye jó volt a hétvégéd? Mi unokáztunk, nagyon jó volt.

Szép vasárnap estét, vidám hétkezdést kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva


06/02/2024 15:01:25

 Have a nice Sunday  ...

06/02/2024 13:58:52

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent afternoon//evening!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

06/02/2024 13:16:31

06/02/2024 13:08:58

Happy Sunday CutiePatootie

06/02/2024 13:08:46

Have a wonderful day, please stay safe, stay well, and 

stay happy, smile, you are loved ❤


06/02/2024 12:31:40

Wishing you Sunday Love and Peace Babatngon!

06/02/2024 12:11:44

I have been away for some time due to computer problems. 

I just got one and yesterday found out it will no let me use 

photoshop so i am still on the hunt but will have to save more 

money. I hope your having a great start to summer however the 

states that are getting all this crazy weather I am praying for 

you! Hope your day gives you much Pleasure and pleanty of Smiles

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

06/02/2024 12:01:48

Now I want that velvet looking plant.  But I know it is too hot here for it to survive outside.  We got another almost 2" of rain yesterday.  Today we are cloudy, overcast, foggy and dreary.  I always pray your weather will cool down soon and that you will get rain.  Blessings & Hugs! Pam

babatngon wrote:

Sunday is best when spent with familiy, friends and loved ones.

Heat index this morning, same as yesterday 43 degree celsious.

Overcast this afternoon with sprinkle of rain.

Enjoy your Sunday, my friend.

Love and hugs

06/02/2024 11:47:14


Sunday is always a good day to be Thankful, like Thankful Thursday.  Ok every day is a good day to be Thankful.  


I am thankful for my Orchids and Anthuriums that bloom inside.  Lately we have had so much rain outside that it is nice to see beautiful things inside blooming too.  


I am thankful to have our family trim our trees from time to time.  Wayne loves working outside when he comes for a visit.  


I am thankful for family and neighbors that love all the animals God created.  


I am thankful for neighbors who love us and make us laugh.  Bennett hands a frog to his sister Livvy but the frog jumps away for his life.  


06/02/2024 11:40:30

06/02/2024 09:24:17

Story Pin-Bild

“Nothing in the world is worth turning

one’s back on what one loves.”

Have a lolvely and happy

Sunday sweetest friend♥

Many hugs and kisses


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