Hello, today is Valentine's Day, the day
of lovers, a special day for those
who love each other, but it is not only for them
it is the day for everyone. Love is not only
in couples, but also in friendship,
family and shared moments.
Happy Valentine's Day to those who fill my
life with joy! I don't need a February 14th,
to remember I am no longer in love
sometimes relationships end for
many reasons, but I am in love
with friendship, pure and sincere. Spend your day
full of love, may you receive everything you want
big hugs, Maria, take care
mouse double click test
Good morning dear friend☀️Have a beautiful day ahead! ✖✗✘♥
Have a nice evening Hugs
Evening was a icy stormy day ., I stayed in roads to bad to go out.,
my cleaning guy came told him he didn't have to., but wanted to come.,
made Italian stew for dinner., hope you day was better., see you in the morning.
It's funny how in the end, you always go back,
to the ones that have been there
from the very beginning
~ Unknown ~