Today I witnessed a young family find their dog, Bella, after she had been missing for almost five days. It's truly a miracle that she survived:) It was one of the most joyful moments that I've ever experienced. Just felt like sharing❤
Don't forget to Save me a slice of pumpkin pie^_~
Thankful For Friends❤
When your plan doesn't work, don't
take too much time to think about it.
Make another plan.
~ Wilson Kanadi ~
Enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving my Friend !
Grateful Thanks for enhancing my world.
Love and Bliss on You & Yours...♥
The best makeup is a smile.
The best jewelry is modesty.
The best clothing is confidence.
~ Unknown ~
Happy new week:-D My tree is up in all of it's glory:)
Believe it or not, it didn't take
that long to decorate
“It is good to love many things,
for therein lies the true strength,
and whosoever loves much performs much,
and can accomplish much,
and what is done in love is well done.”
~ Vincent van Gogh ~
Good Aternoon from Canada
The weather report tells me I may be stuck inside for a few days.
The good news is that I have lots of time to bug