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02/21/2025 15:58:34

Hello Johnny,


 Thank you so much for the Lovely Birthday Wishes.

My Son and Daughter inlaw took me out to dinner then to the casino .

I broke even I had a very nice Birthday, Hugs 

02/21/2025 10:09:04

Have a beautiful day! :)

02/21/2025 10:08:20

“Love feels no burden, thinks no trouble, 

attempts what is beyond its strength, 

makes no excuse for impossibility, 

because it thinks all things are lawful 

for it and all things are possible”

~ Thomas A. Kempis ~

02/21/2025 09:13:02

This may contain: black and white photograph of a woman in an off the shoulder dress with her back to the camera

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman standing in front of a window with her legs crossed and wearing high heels

This may contain: a painting with the words don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces

HUgzzz Maria xo

02/21/2025 07:07:53

smiles and hugs 







02/21/2025 04:49:21

Hello Sweetness!

Morning Sweet Friend.....Hope all is good with you? TGIF, it's all the
same for me cuz I'm retired, so everyday is Friday to me lol.Have a most
fabulous weekend my friend! Stay Safe, Stay Well, stay Beautiful and
Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho amore y respeto, tu amiga que
nunca se olvida de ti, Janet.

02/21/2025 04:31:09

Hello Sweetness!

 Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy.          --  Albert Einstein --

02/21/2025 04:27:43

Hello, I'm passing by your beautiful world 

and I want to leave you my best wishes for 

the weekend I wish GOOD MORNING to the person 

whose KISSES are the reason for my happiness

and whose HUGS make my LIFE PRICELESS.

GOD bless your day and keep you safe for 

harm and more.And may you have a better one

that the day before.Life is short and every 

second is precious, so make the most of it.

May GOD smile on you and take good 

care of you today and everyday of your life.

take care maria kisses

02/21/2025 04:21:40

Hello Sweetness!

02/21/2025 04:12:31

Hello Sweetness!

02/21/2025 02:06:10

02/20/2025 20:02:24

Hello My Treasured Friend
Enjoy The Rest Of Your Night

With Your Favorite Beverage...
Sleep Peaceful And Cozy,Johnny

Always Loves And Hugs,

~WW~ {Sue}

02/20/2025 19:01:58

02/20/2025 10:47:37

"Happy is the person who knows what to 

remember of the past, what to enjoy in the 

present, and what to plan for in the future."  


~ Arnold H. Glasgow ~

02/20/2025 10:26:08

Happy Thirst~Day~!! 

This may contain: three women wearing sunglasses and holding wine glasses in front of their faces while sitting at a table

This may contain: two women kissing each other while sitting at a table with drinks in front of them

This may contain: a woman holding a wine bottle in her hand

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a bar

This may contain: a woman standing on top of a stage in front of some bright lights with her hands up

This may contain: two beautiful women standing next to each other holding wine glasses

Here to nights we dont remember with friends we wont forget , Yea id do it all again if i could So pour me one more drink bartender Lets raise a glass till than. Heres to nights we dont remember,with friends we wont forget..xo 

02/20/2025 10:05:13

02/20/2025 08:39:21

Happy New Day!

02/20/2025 07:37:14

good morning..wishing you a great Thursday..hugs xoxo  






02/20/2025 07:36:15

This may contain: a woman is sitting in the hot tub with snow on the ground and trees behind her

This may contain: two people holding cups in front of a hot tub filled with water and snow covered mountains

You get the idea.. Cheers!! xo 

02/20/2025 07:14:31

Hello good afternoon ♥️
Always with Respect ♥️
Lots of love from you
From this side♥️
I'll continue here
my daughter♥️
do this for a moment
for me ♥️lives 200km
away from us♥️
Everything was already
so things are going well♥️
Loving ♥️ work
see you soon
Dayenne kiss♥️

02/20/2025 04:03:10

Hello, friend, start your Thursday as you

expect. May this new day, start your

routines and turn them into surprises, your anger

into smiles and your sadness into hope. I am not

Friday, nor Saturday, but I also have the

right to be loved a little with that. I 

 am happy to face the day with a smile

on my face, an illusion in my soul and

a lot of love in your heart. And mine with

much love. I wish you the best day

and the next one better. Today will be a day

beautiful like your friendship, life looks

better. Big hugs, Maria. Take care.

02/20/2025 03:27:06

02/19/2025 19:35:35

Hello My Darlin' Friend
I Do Not Like This Cold Weather!
Hope You Are Warm And Snuggie In
A Warm Blankie On This Cold Night...Burrrrr

Night-Nites And Happy Dreams,Johnny
Always Loves And Hugs,
~WW~ {Sue}

02/19/2025 15:13:47

Good evening♥️
Dear Friends
nice and busy here
what love you get♥️
of animals♥️experience
it every day
great ♥️
Wish all
a beautiful week
shines here
the sun ♥️greetings from
Netherlands ♥️
Hugs from us
all Soraya ♥️(**)

02/19/2025 11:27:51


This may contain: a person laying on a couch with a glass of wine in their hand and the woman is covering her face with a blanket


This may contain: a woman laying down in a bathtub reading a book and holding a glass of wine


This may contain: a person sitting on a couch holding a wine glass in front of a flat screen tv



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