Hey Sweet Caroline. I'm one of the few who normally does NOT watch the Super Bowl. *grin* But yes, the game was played just down the road from me - little over an hour drive down the road. Frequently when a big event occurs in New Orleans the hotels and motels will be all filled up so Baton Rouge will get a lot of the hotel/motel business as a result. *wink*
Well, this morning I was going to send you pictures of our dogs. I got sidetracked and six hours later I come and look at this blank comment. I even had them uploaded already. that means I haven't read todays comments yet either. Oh well, hope you have a good night.
Hello Lovers ♥️yes am still far from home but that's for de Count no reason♥️ Very nice upcoming week ♥️hope everything healthy ♥️in life many hugs♥️out Netherlands ♥️not so at home Lots of love♥️ and see you soon Kisses♥️XoXO ♥️ Dayenne Soraya ♥️