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06/16/2024 17:07:16

“Good fathers do three things: they provide, they nurture and they guide.” —Roland Warren ~ Honoring men who maybe father figures uncles, brothers, teachers, coaches, supervisors and pastors.




06/16/2024 15:46:46

06/16/2024 15:40:40

06/16/2024 15:02:02

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 EHV ~ Father's day Sunday Blessings my friend.








Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew 7:9-11 ESV

06/16/2024 14:27:46

xx..sunny beautiful...evening  Tom xxhope you had a lovely day....I saw  three  separate friends...!!.but cool drinks  in ....lovely gardens xx..now...big football  matches on .xxxso i guess..the sons and men are busy this evening xxx...!!!....did  you walk on the beach..??today  .....hugs and kisses....and an apero  chilled..[_] xx    cheers xxx....extra  love xx  and cool strawberries    ..xxo  pix 

06/16/2024 13:25:48

If Your Are Blessed To Still Have Your Dad,
Call Him...
Tell Him How Much You Love Him...
Talk About Fun Times...
Take Him Out To Dinner...
Remember Memories And Make New Ones...
Or Just Do Nothing But Be With Him...
He May Not Remember What You Said,
He May Not Remember What You Did,
But He Will Always Remember How You Made Him Feel...

06/16/2024 13:24:47

If Your Are Blessed To Still Have Your Dad,
Call Him...
Tell Him How Much You Love Him...
Talk About Fun Times...
Take Him Out To Dinner...
Remember Memories And Make New Ones...
Or Just Do Nothing But Be With Him...
He May Not Remember What You Said,
He May Not Remember What You Did,
But He Will Always Remember How You Made Him Feel...

06/16/2024 12:30:11

je suis desolé; j'ai employé ton patch d'herbe a chat pour faire mon nid...

comment aurais-je pu savoir ??

- ne me parle pas !!!

Enjoy your Sunday!

big hugs and sunday blessings


Profites de ton dimanche 

gros calins et benedictions du dimanche


06/16/2024 12:15:50

It is amazing
how many people
are ashamed of
their body and how
few of their minds....

06/16/2024 12:04:15

06/16/2024 11:44:46

06/16/2024 11:10:49

A peek inside my office...

06/16/2024 11:07:05

Another hot day for Ga! I have to get up early 

to water my plants! You have a great day and share the 

Smiles Tom! Sending you Smiles and Hugs!

If you're going through hell, keep going.

~ Winston Churchill ~

06/16/2024 10:45:33

“May your afternoon be soft like a hug and peaceful like a light breeze. »
Big kiss

06/16/2024 10:20:40

06/16/2024 10:08:10

enjoy your sunday Tom.love and hugs

06/16/2024 09:28:32

Happy Father's Day
To all my friends, who are Dad's
I hope you enjoy it with family
Love and Blessings

06/16/2024 09:25:19

Don't forget to Call your Dad today

If your Father is still with you

06/16/2024 09:18:40

06/16/2024 09:02:08

Enjoy a most beautiful day Tom! xoxo

06/16/2024 08:52:05

Wishing all my friends who are dads a wonderful Father's Day :) xoxo

06/16/2024 07:46:04

wishing you a tranquil mellow Sunday Tom..hugs xo 











06/16/2024 07:41:21

💙 Good afternoon 

have a chilled out Sunday 💙

06/16/2024 07:40:58

💙 Good afternoon 

have a chilled out Sunday 💙

06/16/2024 07:38:10

Moi non plus les hommes en kilt ne sont pas ma tasse de thé pour moi un homme doit rester un homme vrai et viril pas avec une jupe. Bien sur qu'ils peuvent être stylés mais à chacun ses goûts et ce n'est pas le mien ils attirent surement certaines femmes mais pas moi mais je respecte leur choix.

Ici c'est rare d'avoir autant de mauvais temps à la suite que depuis la fin de l'hiver où il pleut toujours avec beaucoup d'inondations cette hiver dans certaines régions, normalement à cette époque d'habitude je suis tous les jours à la plage et là dans 15 jours le flot des touristes va arriver c'est foutu pour nous ça me désole. Il est 15 heures il pleut depuis tôt ce matin et c'est toujours gris. Ma région est appelée la côte de lumière puisqu'en général il y fait beau mais en ce moment son nom n'est vraiment pas approprié.

Mon père aussi est décédé il y a une quinzaine d'années et curieusement de la même fichue maladie que le tien qui ne pardonne pas cette maladie est une horreur pour tous, le malade d'abord et ensuite les accompagnants.

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