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01/28/2025 18:26:05


01/28/2025 18:11:53


Dont be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart. xo

01/28/2025 11:54:33

cowboy, quotes, countryside and rustic

cowgirl, paint, austria and home

carousel image 0

HUgzzz xo 

01/28/2025 11:36:31

“Anybody can sympathise 

with the sufferings of a friend, 

but it requires a very fine nature 

to sympathise with a friend's success.” 

~ Oscar Wilde ~

01/28/2025 11:05:35

Today is National Blueberry Pancake Day!

Let's not forget about Donuts ... 

01/28/2025 07:59:20



01/28/2025 06:32:37

This may contain: the woman is sitting behind the steering wheel with her hands on the steering wheel while wearing gold rings and bracelets

Have yourself a great and safe day...:) xo

01/28/2025 02:43:36

01/28/2025 00:22:01

01/27/2025 20:06:25

Nite Nite..xo

01/27/2025 10:04:56

01/27/2025 07:52:47

A good friend is like a perfect bra, hard to find, 

supportive, prevent you from falling, 

holds you tight and is always close to your heart.

~ Anonymous ~

01/27/2025 07:01:25


This may contain: a woman is laying in bed looking out the window at the cityscape and skyscrapers

This may contain: a woman is laying in bed looking out the window at the cityscape and water

Praying for a great start to a new week. HUgzz xo

01/27/2025 02:28:06

01/26/2025 23:46:46

Hello Sweetness!

Imperfection is beauty,madness is genius andit's better to be absolutelyridiculous than absolutelyboring.--- Marilyn Monroe ---

Morning Sweetest of Friend.....Here s hoping your weekend was a
relaxing and rejuvanating one, ready for this new and last week of
January.My grandkids surprised me this weekend by coming over for the
weekend again! Made their favorite, fried chicken, yellow rice n
beans...omg my babies love to see me in the kitchen lol.Be kind, you
don't know what people are going thru. Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Hunble
n Beautiful. Con mucho carino y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de
ti Janet.

01/26/2025 23:18:11

Hello Sweetness!

Don't  go  far  off,  not   evenfor  a  day ,  because  I  don't  knowhow  to  say  it -  a  day  is  longand  I  will  be  waiting  for  you,  as  inan  empty  station  when  the  trains  areparked  off  somewhere  else,  asleep.Don't  leave  me,  even  for  an  hour,  because  then the  little  drops  of  anguish  will  all  run  together,the  smoke  that  roams  looking  for  a  home  will  driftinto  me,  choking  my  lost  heart.Oh,  may  your  silhouette  never  dissolve on  the  beach,  may  your eyelids  never  flutter  into  the  empty distance. Don't  LEAVE  me  fora  second,  my  dearest,  because  in  thatmoment  you'll have  gone  so  far  I'llwander  mazilyover  all  the  earth,  asking,  will  youcome back?  Will  you l eave  me  here,  dying?             --- Pablo Neruda  ---

01/26/2025 18:49:21

Nite Nite my Friend,

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman in a white dress and black hat is walking through an empty room with chandelier

 Until tomorrow. God Willing..xo

01/26/2025 13:52:13

carousel image 0

This may contain: a dining car on a train with white chairs and gold trim around the tables in front of a large window

This may contain: a woman holding a wine glass in her right hand and standing next to a mirror

Life is a train that stops at no staions, you either jump abroad, or stand by..Im Jumping, :) I rode a train from N.Y to Mexico City once. it was fantastic. xo

01/26/2025 10:31:51

A Short Menu from Turkey

01/26/2025 09:27:16

Me today,When not working.Sundays with my family and friends. Making a sause.

Story pin image

Yes,  I make home made sause and home made pasta when not in a hurry.

This may contain: a wine glass and some food on a table

This may contain: a woman in white dress leaning over a table with plates and candles on top of it

This may contain: a woman sitting on a couch holding a wine glass and pouring red wine into it

Cheers...:) Whats your plans? xo 

01/26/2025 02:53:56

01/26/2025 01:26:15

01/25/2025 11:57:35


01/25/2025 11:36:54

01/25/2025 08:24:44


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