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01/24/2025 09:21:57
Friday's Menu With a Danish Flavor

Denmark 379bt photo image_1.jpeg

Copenhagen, Denmark

Danish/Coffee 342bt photo image_13.jpeg

Morning Danish

Fr.Toast/Quiche 255bbt photo image_84.jpeg
Breakfast 617bt photo image_44.jpeg
Orange Juice 295bt photo image_129.jpeg
Danish Bacon/egg/pastry photo image_9.jpeg

Danish Bacon/Egg Baked in Pastry

Breakfast 500x226bb photo image_55.jpeg
Fruit/Bagel 220bbt photo image_161.jpeg
Smorrebrod 366 photo image_8.jpeg

Breaded Fish Dinner/Beer

Smorrebrod 296bt photo image_26.jpeg


Blue Table setting 683bbbt photo image_6.jpeg
Lemonade/shrimp 500bt photo image.jpg2_12.jpg
Fish/Shrimp 344bbt photo image_3.jpeg


Salad 384bbt photo image_100.jpeg
Cod Fish Dinner 375pf photo image.jpg2_6.jpg

Cod Fish/Green Beans

Ham dinner/Akvavit photo imagejpg1-79-1.jpg

Ham Dinner/Akvavit

Breads 404bt photo image_11.jpeg

Assorted Breads & Rolls

Shrimp Dinner/wine photo imagejpg1-2325.jpg
Cake 316bt photo image_7.jpeg

It's Pie w/Cake ... It's a slice of Cakey Pie!

500x354 - Abelskivers photo imagejpg3.jpg
Coffee/Tea 266bbt photo image_55.jpeg

01/24/2025 03:49:15

01/24/2025 00:38:46

Hello Sweetness!

 That is why it is so important to let certain things go. To release them. To cut loose. People need to understand that no one is playing with marked cards; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don't expect to get anything back, don't expect recognition for your efforts, don't expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle. Not out of pride, inability or arrogance, but simply because whatever it is no longer fits in your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, get rid of the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are.                       --- Paulo Coelho ---

Morning Dear Friend......It is so cold out, that all I do is wrap
myself up in a fuzzy cozy blanket and listen to Andrea Bocelli, so nice
and peaceful, I love it! I hope your cold days are keeping you warm n
toasty.The week is done, the weekend is here, enjoy it with a friend,
family or your special someone.It's cuddle weather lol enjoy it!
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con
mucho carino y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/24/2025 00:24:15

Hello Sweetness!

“You’re not in Kansas anymore.”           — Colonel Quaritch --          (Avatar)A fun yet poignant line about stepping out of your comfort zone and adapting to new challenges.

01/24/2025 00:17:15

01/24/2025 00:00:47

Hello Sweetness!

There  is  never  a  time  or  place  for true  love.  It  happens  accedentally,in  a  heartbeat,  in  a  single  flashing,throbbing  moment.          ---  Sarah  Dessen  ---

01/23/2025 23:40:53

Hello Sweetness!

Such lovely warmth of thoughtand delicacy of colour  are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks.        -- Marie Corelli --

01/23/2025 23:23:00

Hello Sweetness!

When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.               ---Akhenaton ---

01/23/2025 20:41:09

01/23/2025 16:36:35

This may contain: a woman sitting in a chair drinking from a wine glass while wearing high heeled shoes

This may contain: a beautiful woman holding a glass of wine

HUgzzz xo

01/23/2025 12:43:59

01/23/2025 12:01:26

“Not all of us can do great things. 

But we can do small things with great love.” 

~ Mother Teresa ~

01/23/2025 07:19:17

Donut Muffins

Coffee - Cappuccino - Tea

01/23/2025 03:59:22

01/22/2025 19:58:47

Nite Nite my friend..

This may contain: a woman with long hair wearing jewelry and a candle in the background is looking down at her face

Story pin image

Sweet Dreams!! xo

01/22/2025 17:10:45

Sending Peace and Love

01/22/2025 13:09:40



This may contain: a fire pit sitting on top of a patio covered in snow

Have Faith that it will be ok, and it will be.HUgzz xo 

01/22/2025 10:34:45

Criticism, like rain, 

should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth 

without destroying his roots.

~ Frank A. Clark ~

01/22/2025 08:51:01

Mid-week has a nice ring to it ... 

And so does everything else ...

01/22/2025 06:43:01

“you become what you believe, so believe in yourself

“You’re beautiful

“remember to smile
The baddest girl  The baddest brand

Hope your day is as awesome as you are..xo 

01/22/2025 02:16:06

01/21/2025 23:40:46

Hello Sweetness!

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the ride.”        Unknown

01/21/2025 23:17:09


Your FocusDetermines yourReality.

01/21/2025 23:07:44

Hello Sweetness!

The only person you are destined to        become is the person you decide to be.             --- Waldo Emerson ---

01/21/2025 15:58:16

This may contain: a woman sitting in front of candles with her hands on her hips and looking at the camera

HUgz for a beautiful evening.. xo 

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