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02/25/2025 06:43:49


This may contain: a woman standing in front of a window next to a bed

See related image detail. Exercise not only changes your body | Running motivation quotes, Workout memes, Running quotes


02/25/2025 02:51:15

02/24/2025 12:09:11

“If you look at the world and at yourself through 

a lens tainted by negativity, you will find much misery. 

If you look outward and inward through 

a lens illuminated by positivity, 

you will find much to be happy about and appreciate.”

~ Henrik Edberg ~ 

02/24/2025 08:05:55

Enjoy the first day of your new week..:)

Ms Whitney Houston could not have said it any better...Im every woman its all in me..HUgzzz.. xo 

02/24/2025 02:38:43

02/23/2025 23:53:20

Hello  Sweetness!

Clothes are like a good meal, a good movie and great pieces of music.         -- Michael Kors --

Morning Sweet Friend...I hope your weekend was a relaxing one. I hope
that this last week of February is good to you. Already we are going
into March, slow down some....time, your going to fast LOL.Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho
carino y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti janet.

02/23/2025 23:24:52

Hello Sweetness!

In a World ofTrends I want to Remain a Classic.       -- Iman --

02/23/2025 23:13:25

Hello Sweetness!

I wish you a Beautiful   Day My Friend!

02/23/2025 23:02:26

Hello Sweetness!

Good Morning My Friend,Look at this Beautiful spread, Breakfast is on me today, let'senjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

02/23/2025 12:42:14

Hi, I hope your having a relaxing day..:)

This may contain: a woman in a red dress sitting on a bus

Hugzzz & Kissezzz.. xo 

02/23/2025 10:02:28

02/23/2025 04:32:32

02/23/2025 02:59:35

02/22/2025 20:24:22

Nite niite , sweet dreams xo

02/22/2025 10:34:37

I like Coffee better

And Donuts!!!

02/22/2025 08:00:52


43 Leopard Quotes & Inspirational Leopard Sayings (2024)


02/22/2025 06:16:01

Good Morning my Treasured Friend,

Wishing You a Field of Flowered Harmony

with some Shiny Wellness on Your Weekend !

Enjoy it with pure Delight, Love your way...

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Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

02/22/2025 02:22:26

02/21/2025 17:08:06

Thank you for your friendship
enjoy your weekend

02/21/2025 10:08:54

“Love feels no burden, thinks no trouble, 

attempts what is beyond its strength, 

makes no excuse for impossibility, 

because it thinks all things are lawful 

for it and all things are possible”

~ Thomas A. Kempis ~

02/21/2025 09:30:54

02/21/2025 09:18:19

This may contain: black and white photograph of a woman in an off the shoulder dress with her back to the camera

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman standing in front of a window with her legs crossed and wearing high heels

This may contain: a painting with the words don't let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces

HUgzzz Maria xo

02/21/2025 04:44:07

Hello Sweetness!

Morning Sweet Friend.....Hope all is good with you? TGIF, it's all the
same for me cuz I'm retired, so everyday is Friday to me lol.Have a most
fabulous weekend my friend! Stay Safe, Stay Well, stay Beautiful and
Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho amore y respeto, tu amiga que
nunca se olvida de ti, Janet.

02/21/2025 04:30:11

Hello Sweetness!

 Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy.          --  Albert Einstein --

02/21/2025 04:20:40

Hello Sweetness!

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