My name is Rebecca. I'm a working woman, mother, wife - I don't seem to have much,if any, time for myself, so I sneak a peek here and there to see what's up with everyone else. I write, I'm finding it to be much needed therapy right now, as well as an outlet for the rumblings in my head. When I get the chance to live life my own way I want to sing, maybe learn to play my guitar (I've had it for a few years, and tried to teach myself, but yeah, not working out quite that well), read a grown-up book a week, start writing my own book (I've got one rumbling around in my head, but...it'll have to rumble for a while longer), go to museums and music festivals, wander the West Village again. In the meantime, I commute 120 miles round trip every day so I can be a part of something working towards saving lives and curing disease. I get the joy and the privilege of being greeted by my son every day with a smile and a giggle and his little arms wrapped tight around my neck. I try and keep a clean house, but with a preschooler, a husband and two cats, it's not easy. Regardless, I am still a goddess and I revel in that.